Pacifiers 101: A Complete Guide for New Parents

Author: Justin

Jun. 10, 2024


Pacifiers 101: A Complete Guide for New Parents

Pacifiers 101: A Complete Guide for New Parents

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The topic of pacifier usage in babies often sparks controversy, with strong opinions on both sides. As a new parent, navigating through the conflicting information can be challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we aim to provide you with balanced insights to help you make an informed decision about introducing a pacifier to your baby.

We'll explore the history of pacifiers, the scientific reasoning behind their soothing effects, a detailed examination of the pros and cons, strategies to minimize potential drawbacks, tips for successful pacifier introduction, and recommendations for some of the best pacifiers available for newborns.

Brief History of Pacifiers

The origin of pacifiers can be traced back to ancient times. In ancient civilizations like Egypt, Greece, and Rome, parents used various objects, such as pieces of fabric or leather, dipped in honey or sweet substances, to soothe their babies. These makeshift pacifiers were believed to calm infants and help them sleep. Thankfully, modern pacifiers have come a long way in terms of safety and design!

The Science Behind Pacifier Soothing

Pacifiers have a remarkable soothing effect on babies, thanks to the science behind them. By understanding these physiological and neurological mechanisms, we can comprehend why pacifiers are beneficial for babies.

  1. Infants have an innate sucking reflex, which helps them find comfort and self-soothe.

  2. Sucking on a pacifier releases endorphins, natural pain relievers, and can promote a sense of security and relaxation.

  3. sucking stimulates the vagus nerve, a crucial part of the parasympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve connects the brain to various organs in the body, including the heart and digestive system, and its stimulation can induce a calming response, lower heart rate, and decrease stress levels.

    Additionally, the act of, a crucial part of the parasympathetic nervous system. The vagus nerve connects the brain to various organs in the body, including the heart and digestive system, and its stimulation can induce a calming response, lower heart rate, and decrease stress levels.



Want to jump right into it? Here is a summarised list of pros and cons of pacifier usage.

Pros of Pacifier Usage:

  1. Calms and soothes babies
  2. Promotes better sleep
  3. Reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  4. Helps preterm babies in the NICU
  5. Provides comfort during medical procedures
  6. Eases discomfort during teething
  7. Helps with self-soothing skills
  8. Prevents overfeeding as it offers an alternative soothing method
  9. Offers a distraction during travel or stressful situations

Cons of Pacifier Usage:

  1. Risk of missing hunger cues
  2. Increases the risk of infections due to bacterial contamination
  3.  Potential nipple confusion (breastfeeding)
  4. Over-reliance on pacifier for soothing & sleep
  5. Potential association with higher risk of ear infections
  6. Difficulties in pacifier weaning
  7. Interference with speech and language development (prolonged usage)
  8. Long-term and extensive usage linked to dental misalignment

Please note that this list is not exhaustive and the significance of each point may vary depending on individual circumstances. It's always recommended to discuss pacifier usage with healthcare professionals and make informed decisions based on your baby's specific needs.

A Deeper Look at the Pros of Pacifiers

  1. Calms and soothes babies: Pacifiers provide a natural sucking reflex that can help babies feel secure and calm, offering them comfort and relaxation.
  2. Promotes better sleep: The soothing effect of pacifiers can help babies fall asleep faster and encourage longer periods of uninterrupted sleep, benefiting both the baby and the parents.
  3. Reduces the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Studies have shown that pacifier use during sleep is associated with a decreased risk of SIDS, although the exact reasons for this reduction are not yet fully understood. Offer the pacifier at the beginning of naps and bedtime but you do not need to replace it if it falls out. 
  4. Helps preterm babies in the NICU: Pacifier use can support preterm infants in developing their sucking skills, improving their ability to feed and promoting weight gain.
  5. Provides comfort during medical procedures: Pacifiers offer a source of comfort and distraction for babies during medical procedures or when they need to undergo painful interventions.
  6. Eases discomfort during teething: The gentle sucking motion on a pacifier can provide relief to babies experiencing the discomfort of teething.
  7. Helps with self-soothing skills: Pacifiers can assist babies in learning self-soothing techniques, helping them gradually develop the ability to calm themselves down.
  8. Prevents overfeeding as it offers an alternative soothing method: Pacifiers can be used to satisfy a baby's non-nutritive sucking needs, preventing unnecessary feeding and potential overfeeding.
  9. Offers a distraction during travel or stressful situations: Pacifiers can serve as a useful tool to distract and comfort babies during travel such as reducing the pain during air pressure changes on the plane or when faced with stressful situations, helping them stay calm and content.

A Deeper Look at the


of Pacifiers

  1. Risk of missing hunger cues: Pacifier use can sometimes interfere with a baby's ability to communicate their hunger cues effectively, potentially leading to delayed or missed feeding opportunities.
  2. Increases the risk of infections due to bacterial contamination: Pacifiers can harbor bacteria, especially if not properly cleaned and sterilized, posing a risk of infections when introduced into the baby's mouth.
  3. Potential nipple confusion (breastfeeding): Early introduction of pacifiers, especially before breastfeeding is well established, may cause confusion for some babies, making it challenging for them to switch between breast and pacifier.
  4. Over-reliance on pacifier for soothing & sleep: Over-reliance on pacifiers as the primary method of soothing may result in a baby becoming dependent on them, needing the pacifier to fall asleep or self-regulate. If pacifiers are consistently used to help a baby fall asleep, they may become reliant on them to initiate and maintain sleep, potentially causing sleep disruptions when the pacifier is not available.
  5. Potential association with a higher risk of ear infections: Prolonged pacifier usage, especially beyond the age of 6 months, has been linked to an increased risk of ear infections in some studies.
  6. Difficulties in pacifier weaning: Some babies may develop a strong attachment to their pacifiers, leading to difficulties and resistance when it comes time to wean them off, requiring patience and consistency.
  7. Interference with speech and language development with prolonged long term usage: Prolonged pacifier use, especially when it affects tongue movement and proper articulation, can potentially interfere with speech and language development.
  8. Long-term and extensive usage linked to dental misalignment: Continuous and prolonged pacifier use, particularly as children grow older, may lead to dental issues such as misalignment of the teeth or improper development of the palate.

Strategies to Minimize the Risks

While pacifiers offer numerous benefits, it's important to address the potential concerns associated with their use. Here are some strategies to help minimize the cons and ensure safe and responsible pacifier usage:

  1. Reduce Contamination: To prevent the risk of infections due to bacteria picked up by the pacifier, it's essential to maintain good hygiene practices. Regularly sterilize the pacifier by boiling it in water or using a steam sterilizer. Additionally, avoid sharing pacifiers between different individuals to minimize the transfer of bacteria.
  2. Use Pacifier Clips: To prevent the pacifier from falling onto unclean surfaces or getting lost, consider using a pacifier clip. These clips attach securely to the baby's clothing, keeping the pacifier within reach while reducing the risk of contamination. However, always remember to remove the pacifier clip when the baby is asleep to eliminate the risk of accidental strangulation.
  3. Combine Pacifier Use with Other Soothing Techniques: Instead of relying solely on the pacifier for soothing, explore other comforting techniques. Practice skin-to-skin contact, gentle rocking, or singing lullabies to help your baby relax. By incorporating a variety of soothing methods, you can reduce dependency on the pacifier and encourage self-soothing skills.
  4. Observe Hunger Cues: One concern associated with pacifier use is the potential for babies to miss hunger cues. Pay close attention to your baby's feeding schedule and ensure that the pacifier is not being used to delay or replace necessary feedings. If your baby shows signs of hunger, such as rooting or sucking on their fists, prioritize breastfeeding or bottle-feeding over pacifier use.
  5. Monitor Pacifier Condition: Regularly inspect the pacifier for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, tears, or loose parts. Damaged pacifiers can pose a choking hazard, so replace them immediately if any issues are detected. It's also a good idea to have spare pacifiers on hand to ensure a clean and safe replacement when needed.
  6. Maintain Age-Appropriate Usage: As your baby grows and develops, their pacifier needs may change. It's crucial to be mindful of age recommendations for pacifier usage. Gradually wean your baby off the pacifier by before 2 years of age, as prolonged and extensive use can lead to dental misalignment and other oral issues.

Remember, every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. It's essential to be attentive to your baby's cues and preferences when it comes to pacifier usage. 

Tips for Getting Baby to Accept Pacifiers

Introducing a pacifier to your baby can be a gradual process. Consider the following tips:

  1. Try Different Pacifiers: Babies have preferences for different shapes and sizes, so experiment with various pacifier brands until you find the one your baby accepts.
  2. Practice and Patience: Offer the pacifier consistently and be patient. It may take time for your baby to become accustomed to it.
  3.  Don't Force It: If your baby shows resistance or doesn't take to the pacifier, respect their preferences. Not all babies will enjoy using pacifiers, and that's okay. 

Tips for Weaning Pacifiers for babies and toddlers

Let's answer the most commonly asked questions about weaning pacifiers -

1. When to wean pacifiers?

Doctors recommend weaning the pacifier by the age of 2 as extensive and prolonged usage can lead to dental issues. However, pacifiers can become a source of sleep troubles long before that - if you child is too reliant on their pacifier, each time it falls out, you'll have to get up and keep replacing it for them. Due to this reason, I recommend weaning the pacifier before your child turn 6-7 months old. 

2. How to wean pacifiers?

For a young babies - You can either go cold turkey or take a gradual approach. If you're going cold turkey, just toss it and forget it. Don't go back and forth and confuse your baby as that can frustrate them.

If you're taking a gradual approach, reduce usage step by step. For eg. if your baby uses the pacifier for nights, naps and during the day - firstly stop offering at bedtime, then at naps and then during the day. Once you decide to pull back to the pacifier from a certain part of the day, stay consistent with it. 

For young toddlers and older kids - You can involve them in the pacifier weaning journey as they probably have a strong emotional attachment with their pacifier by now. You can put all their pacis in a nice gift box to give to a small baby in your circle. Or you can put them all in an envelope and mail it to the Paci-fairy &#;&#;&#;&#;&#;. Be sure to give your child a nice gift in return in the same box / envelope for their kindness. You can even get an older toddler to "sow" their pacifiers in the soil in an empty pot and replace those with a few beautiful plants that your child can cherish.

3. What if my child cannot handle it?

 Pacifiers can become a huge source of comfort for children. So much so that they don't get a chance to develop other coping mechanisms to deal with stressful situations or soothe themselves to sleep. When you wean the pacifier, regardless of the age, it is bound to create stressful situations such as nap refusal, night wakings and increase in meltdowns during the day. Instead of being afraid of them, think of these as opportunities to introduce new coping mechanisms. Here are somethings you can try -

  • Provide more support for sleep. (yes, even if your child is an independent sleeper. This is a difficult transition for them so don't feel guilty about providing some extra support).
  • Give more physical comfort through hugs and cuddles
  • Introduce a comforter / lovey for them to cuddle with when stressed
  • Distract them with activities in situations they would normally reach out for a pacifier

Recommended Pacifiers for Newborns

When choosing a pacifier for your newborn, consider options such as Philips Avent, NUK, and Dr. Brown's. These brands offer a variety of pacifiers designed to meet different needs, with features like orthodontic designs, natural shapes, and high customer satisfaction rates.


In the end, the decision to use a pacifier for your baby is personal and should be based on your baby's needs and your own comfort level. By understanding the history, science, pros, and cons of pacifiers, as well as implementing strategies to minimize potential drawbacks, you can make an informed decision that supports your baby's well-being and your parenting journey.

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How To Use The Pacifier (Without) Putting It Back In All ...

&#; A little planning now will save you a chaotic, fight-filled, over-screened SUMMER. Plan your Summer Rhythms today and make it your best summer ever!

If you&#;re using the pacifier but now it&#;s become more of a chore with baby throwing it out of the crib, or it falling out while baby is sleeping, and you have to get up and put it back in all night&#; you&#;re need a solution. Here are some pacifier pros and cons and how to use the pacifier (dummy) without putting it back in all night.

I&#;ve used the pacifier with all my babies and have to say that I do love them.

They have their pros and cons, but can be an extremely effective tool in helping comfort, calm, and sleep train your baby.

Goto HEORSHE to know more.

But first, if you are deciding whether to take the plunge to pacify, consider three things:

  • your baby will get addicted
  • he will not kick the habit willingly
  • he will attempt to have you reinsert it day and night if you let him.

If you&#;re okay with those things (and I always was!) then it may be for you!

As long as you know those things you&#;re ready to go :)

Sleep Training Checklist

Ready for everyone to start sleeping better? Use this checklist to help you get there.

Here are some general rules of teat thumb when using the pacifier.


  • Let them suck during their wake time or when they&#;re happy as it satisfies the non-nutritive sucking need young infants have.
  • Use the pacifier to help night wean your baby or toddler. If they are used to nursing to sleep, try substituting the pacifier (particularly if it&#;s one they can put back in themselves) as this will help wean them from nursing. This probably works best if your spouse gives them the pacifier, not you.
  • Get a pacifier that babies can put in and keep in and toddlers can find in their crib without your help. I have purchased quite a few of these pacifiers, and they are easy to find in the dark for your baby or toddler.
  • Let your baby have the pacifier if you need to prolong the time until their next feeding. It will give them temporary relief, aka. they will be pacified, and you can get another 15 minutes out of them to finish at the checkout (because running errands with babies is hard), pay the bill at the restaurant, etc.
  • Take the pacifier away when your children start to throw it out of the crib just so you&#;ll come back in to get it for them. This is a sign that they are now gettin&#; tricky! When my son started this we took it away. After only one day he was sleeping without disruption again. If they&#;re old enough to play this game they&#;re old enough to go to sleep on their own ;).

Stuffed Animal Pacifier

The pacifier that stays in baby&#;s mouth, is easy to find at night, and helps baby settle.

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  • Don&#;t confuse them by prolonging the pacifier wean. Of course you&#;ll know your kids better than anyone else, but I&#;ve found with my kids that once you start the wean then finish it. You can poke a hole, make it bigger, etc. or another trick of the trade, but don&#;t take it away then give it back then take it away, etc. Make a plan then stick to it.
  • Don&#;t use it so you don&#;t have to hear your baby cry. Learning their cries helps you accurately meet their needs which means they&#;ll probably cry less anyway. So sure you can use it to comfort your baby, but try to determine the reason of their cry first.
  • Don&#;t let your babies use it indefinitely as a sleep prop. Using the pacifier can be a good sleep association, and help the baby or toddler to get to sleep, but don&#;t make a habit of going back into the room to put the pacifier back in. If they can&#;t put it in themselves again then I&#;d start out how you can hold out.  Mine have all been given the pacifier at bedtime, but I didn&#;t go back in all nigh long (unless they were teething or night weaning) and that is the best of both worlds.

Read: Pacifier Weaning 101: Guide To Less Stress & Fewer Tears

Sleep Training Checklist

Ready for everyone to start sleeping better? Use this checklist to help you get there.

How to stop going in all night to put the pacifier back in

If they are addicted to the pacifier and want it reinserted all night you&#;ve got a sleep prop on your hands and you are probably one tired mom.

It sounds simple and you&#;ll meet resistance, but there are a few options here.

  • Get them a pacifier they can find and put back in (my kids used these) or just stop doing it.
  • Continue giving it at bedtime, but comfort in another way until they&#;re back to sleep and learning to sleep through their transition.
  • Take longer than last time to reinsert it and see if baby gets back to sleep without it.

You can use the pacifier to help your baby or toddler in many ways. As long as you take a start out how you can hold out approach then you&#;ll all be happy you did.

Baby Logs & Routines

These daily baby and mom legs help you track the things that seem to be going haywire.

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Pacifier FAQ

Do you give the pacifier back to baby in the middle of the night?

If baby seems to wake frequently and isn&#;t in need of a feed, you can give the pacifier back. After 6 months of age it&#;s a good idea to teach baby to put their own pacifier back in. If baby is waking too often, you may want to wean the pacifier.

Can a baby sleep with a pacifier all night?

It&#;s difficult to keep a pacifier in the baby&#;s mouth all night. This is because when they fully relax into a deep sleep, the muscles of their mouth will open and the pacifier will fall out. This type of pacifier can be propped up on baby&#;s chest and stands the best chance.

Does the pacifier cause gas?

According to doctors and studies done, it does not cause gas. Intense sucking possibly can take in air that may cause some air bubbles, but it&#;s not noticeable and will not be the main cause of gas.

Why do pacifiers help reduce the risk of SIDS?

According to the AAP pacifiers help reduce the risk of SIDS because when baby is sucking on them (or a breast) they remain active and in a lighter state of sleep which helps their body&#;s systems keep them awake and alert.

What is a good age to take away a pacifier?

Any age is a good age to take the pacifier away if baby is becoming too dependent, can&#;t re-insert it in their own mouth, or if it&#;s disrupting their night sleep. By around 1 year of age, it&#;s good to take the pacifier away so it doesn&#;t turn into an emotional crutch that also creates some teeth issues.

Is the pacifier bad for a newborn?

If you are nursing, midwives typically recommend waiting until around 6 weeks to introduce the pacifier so there isn&#;t nipple confusion. However, if you see your baby doesn&#;t have a difficult time latching on, then it&#;s fine.

How do you break the pacifier habit?

You use pacifier weaning strategies. You can remove the pacifier cold turkey, put a hole in the top, mail it to a loved one, or anything in between. But the key is to pick a strategy and stick with it.

How do you get the baby to suck on the pacifier?

Ah ha! A good trick is to take the pacifier and put it in the baby&#;s mouth then gently tug it out. This will cause baby to instinctually suck on it. Do this a few times every time you put it in until baby gets a strong suck.

Sleep Training Checklist

Ready for everyone to start sleeping better? Use this checklist to help you get there.


If you want to learn more, please visit our website day and night pacifier.




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