How to Save Money When Buying classic padel court

Author: Minnie

Aug. 06, 2024

What characterizes a padel court?

We usually receive the question about which are the aspects to check before buying a padel court or creating a sports club. For this reason, at MejorSet we have decided to summarise it in four elements that simplify the purchase process: 

If you want to learn more, please visit our website.


  • Steel frame and fences with a sufficient thickness of the profile, size 10m x 20m.
  • Glass with sufficient quality and thickness of 10-12mm. Please note that the thicker the glass, the stronger the tempered glass will be. 
  • The sports/artificial turf has to be very good for a competitive playing experience, to avoid player injuries and to avoid having to renew the turf at short notice. 
  • Lighting is another key element, whatever the time of day, to have good lighting conditions on the padel courts and to get the most out of it. The quantity and quality of lighting can be a competitive advantage compared to other padel clubs.


It will depend on each supplier the sales process, due to possible intermediaries, times, etc. In MejorSet as installers and manufacturers we work directly with the client from the design to the installation. You will be able to decide the best way of transport and installation of the courts, either with our workers or it is also possible only with supervision and putting another installation team. All our logistics are managed from Alicante and sent to the desired destination.

Let's start this reading with a summary and then we will have more detailed information about each point of our checklist.


Top 8 checklist you make to build a padel court or club:

  • Location of padel courts - should be easily accessible to customers.
  • Foundations and ground for the location - check if the ground is solid and if it can be drilled or not.
  • Positioning of the padel courts - create an attractive entrance.
  • Quality of the padel court - you want to make a sustainable investment with a guarantee.
  • Quality of the artificial turf - high performance turf is a priority for a good padel club
  • Powerful lighting - good lighting and efficient lighting to illuminate the court when there is no natural light
  • Clear space height - the higher the ceiling height, the better.
  • Scalability in the number of courts - you need to be able to scale your revenue.


Location - as easy as possible to spread the word

A good location for a padel destination is an important factor when you want to make padel more than just a hobby. It is important to find a well-known location with organic visibility, but above all, it is important to create easy access for customers in private cars. 

Time-consuming parking or not being able to find parking easily can be a source of frustration and not arriving on time to play, which will lead to delays in booked times. 


How big should the parking area be? 

You can usually calculate the required parking capacity from the maximum number of padel players multiplied by 0.8. This may vary depending on the market, but usually, padel players prefer their private vehicles. The maximum number of padel players can be easily calculated by multiplying the number of courts by eight (8). Why multiplied by eight? Because Padel is played in doubles there are four people playing at the same time and when the booking cycle changes you have double the number of people in your Padel club.


Foundation - Avoids sinking and other headaches

This is one of the most important criteria for installing a successful padel court.  The base must be built and the concrete floor must be poured horizontally and checked for level with a spirit level tool. The thickness of the concrete has to be at least 18-20 centimeters in order to meet the minimum measurements for the installation of the padel court firmly.

Building an outdoor padel court can be a real headache if you have not called in the professionals, as the ground has to be worked in specific phases to avoid unnecessary risks of subsidence due to winter rains or other ground movements. 


Positioning - attractive entrance and placement of the tracks

How do you create an attractive first impression for new customers and a smooth commercial journey through your padel club? 

The aim is to create a smooth customer journey, combined with attractive sales opportunities that can generate 10-20% additional revenue. By careful design, you can increase the average purchase per customer and improve profitability. You can create strong revenue streams from the sale of equipment such as balls and paddles, as well as other supplementation products and hydration drinks during and after the game...

In our experience, the best entrance is always located in the middle. This way, you create a powerful first impression when people enter your sports club. Customers can immediately feel the energy around them as they see people moving from 180 to 360 degrees.


Quality of the steel structure of the padel court: sustainable investment with a guarantee.

The quality of steel profiles is something that is often underestimated by new buyers. It is important to understand that lower quality steel profiles cannot withstand the high temperatures and changing humidity possible. In the long run, it doesn't make a big difference whether we are talking about a padel court for 25.000&#; or 30.000&#;, it is much more important to focus on building a growing and loyal clientele.

We have seen in many indoor and outdoor projects that the buyer chooses the cheapest option and later regrets his earlier cost-oriented decision. 

Although one may sometimes consider buying a track with a lower price initially, in a short time the materials if they are not of quality begin to show wear and tear that is exponential over time. This can lead to the loss of the clientele that starts going in the first moments precisely because of the image that the court is new and in good condition.


Artificial turf quality - player experience and easy maintenance

Sports turf or artificial turf, whatever you want to call it, it is very important to select it well from the beginning. 

A good quality turf in a padel court, like the one we install in MejorSet in our projects - Mondo - helps your clients to suffer fewer injuries and to avoid risks for the reputation of the club, as well as it has long durability and lower maintenance costs.

Also, as a curious fact, high quality turf does not need as much sand and therefore reduces another cost. 


How do I know if my sports turf is of good quality? 

The best performing sports turfs have 27 stitches per 10 cm. All other artificial turf options are ultimately a waste of money and time.

The official color of sports turf is blue, which is the most popular option and seen in padel courts all over the world although at MejorSet we have the 4 official colors approved by the International Padel Federation.


The height of the free space above the padel court must be at least 8 metres.

Especially in indoor venues, it is crucial to have enough height and free space above the padel courts. This is one of the key points that new market entrants underestimate or market pioneers are clear about right from the start.

We have already seen that many padel clubs, especially in Sweden and Finland, have lost customers to other padel operators with higher ceilings and some of them have been forced to go out of business or even bankrupt.

A free ceiling of a minimum of 8-10 metres is absolutely the critical factor for a sustainable Padel Club business. Some investors will not even go into premises with less than 10 meters in height, as they understand the importance of free space for advanced players' shots.


Scalability in the number of courts - how to build a padel club

Last but not least, we have to think about the scalability of the padel club we want to build.

Since MejorSet has been analyzing the world of padel for more than 20 years, we know that in mature markets it has been proved that there is a limited possibility to do business and to be really profitable in the long term with less than 8 courts. Especially this has to be taken into account for the purchase of indoor premises that are to be refurbished as a private sports club. 

Therefore, let us remember that you have to have eight meters of free space above the court and that you have to be able to grow up to eight padel courts. What we mean by this is that it is not necessary to have eight courts from the beginning and not even in the same location, but in the long run, you need to be able to provide capacity to customers so that you can find cost scalability.


Conclusions on how to choose the right padel court for your needs

There are multiple common mistakes you can make when you start a padel club or buy a padel court for your existing sports club. The most common mistake is to think that a low price is the main criterion to make a decision and not to take into account that saving on quality does not lead to what you are looking for when you create a padel club: profitability. 

From MejorSet we know after having installed hundreds of padel courts (replacing in many cases old ones), that the main risk in the cheapest padel courts is that when problems arise, the suppliers neglect or do not give correct maintenance. The problem can be anything from lighting to corrosion in the steel profiles. With the highest quality padel courts, you have a long-term guarantee, and you can sleep soundly at night.

Thank you for reading this far, feel free to contact us and ask more questions on our social media or via our contact page.

Padel Tennis Court

Padel is a doubles sport that is comparable to a cross between tennis and squash in that it is flexible, easy to learn, and incredibly friendly also, and it is played in venues including Hyde Park. Padel is a lively, communal game that exudes enthusiasm.

Below, we will introduce you to the world of padel courts and how they are installed. We will talk about padel balls, padel players, and how the sport is typically played in venues like Hyde Park.

If you are wondering about installing an enclosed court and starting a padel club in your area, get in touch with us, and we will show you why this sport&#;s popularity has been rising so fast!

Why Use Us?

We are accredited padel tennis court installers with full qualifications to install outdoor courts across the UK.

With over 10 years of experience in installing padel courts for a range of sports clubs, we have all of the expertise needed to set up a new padel club anywhere in the country.

Our certifications include all of the essentials: CHAS, Constructionline, and many more. You can be confident in our qualifications to help your sports club set up new padel tennis courts and entice new padel players to your club.

In addition to this, we promise a great competitive price for installing new padel courts for all our clients, thanks to our longstanding relationships with all of the suppliers required to set up padel tennis courts.

Types of Padel Court Surfaces

There are different possible surfaces that can be installed for padel courts across the UK. Let&#;s take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of these leading material choices.

Artificial Grass Padel Court

This sort of surface is perfect for providing adequate cushioning. This drastically decreases the possibility of harm.

Furthermore, there is no need to be concerned about slipping because a grit is utilised in its installation to give a solid grip.

The material is fairly robust and simple to care for since it can be cleaned with water or brushed to remove debris.

Porous Concrete Padel Court

This type of surface pavement provides excellent water drainage. Water can easily enter the material, ensuring favourable ground conditions as it dries rapidly.

It is typically used as a foundation for artificial grass, although there are several courts where porous concrete is utilised directly as the court surface.

Acrylic Padel Court Surface

An acrylic padel court surface is a type of playing surface used in padel courts, which is known for its durability, low maintenance, and excellent playability.

Acrylic padel court surfaces combine performance, durability, and aesthetics, making them a popular choice for both recreational and professional padel facilities.

For more information, please visit fortune.

Padel Tennis Court Cost UK

The average cost to build a padel tennis court in the UK is £45,000 and £75,000.

However, the cost of constructing a padel court varies according to the size of the court, the materials utilised, and the location.

Constructing a padel court indoors, for example, will be less expensive than establishing one outside. An indoor padel court may cost a little less, but in a similar way, participation can be managed on a pay-to-play basis in order to effectively finance your new padel equipment.

Where are Padel Courts Installed?

Padel tennis courts can be installed in a wide range of locations. They can be found across a range of countries, including Spain, England, and Wales.

Both indoor and outdoor facilities are popular in Spain and the UK, and the increased popularity of this sport in recent years makes it easy to find events for playing this sport that all ages can join.

A padel club can be set up anywhere in the UK; they already exist in major locations such as Hyde Park, as well as platform tennis courts with back walls, squash courts, and outdoor venues across the UK.

Benefits of Padel Court Construction

Constructing a padel venue in your area brings a range of benefits for players of all ages, friends, and family.

This popular community sport welcomes participation from players of any ability, from those fully committed to the sport to those who just want to have some fun in nature.

Getting involved in padel is easy, and the community loves to support participants through training, matches, events, and many other forms of playing. The aim is always for fun first and competitive scoring second.

Padel Tennis Court Size

A padel court is 20m × 10m in size, about one-third the size of a tennis court.

Courts are surrounded by fences on all sides and thick glass on the back, allowing the ball to stay active even after striking the walls.

The tiny size of the padel tennis court measurements makes the game more impactful, competitive, and entertaining while staying accessible to individuals of all skill levels who want to be involved in the world of padel playing.

Padel Tennis Court Construction

We are professionals who can carry out the full construction process, from the surfacing to the walls.

We can build sports clubs from scratch or convert old squash courts into new padel facilities so you can start playing one of the fastest-growing sports immediately.

How to Build a Padel Tennis Court

1. Padel Court Dimensions

Finding the space you have available and making sure it is big enough to create a padel court is the first step in planning.

For doubles play, padel courts are 20 metres long and 10 metres broad. Similar in length but only 6 metres wide are singles courts.

2. Ceiling Height

A padel court can be constructed outside without taking the ceiling height into account. A minimum ceiling height of 7 metres should be observed inside, while 8 metres is preferable.

3. Flooring

Padel requires a completely flat surface to be played on. There can be no slope.

Although guidelines from padel court manufacturers vary widely, you should try to choose a concrete surface that is 10 cm thick and free of pits and elevations.

Installing quick-dry asphalt can assist your padel court in drying out more quickly when it rains if you want to build it outdoors.

4. Surface

You must now choose the top layer surface for the court. You have a number of possibilities, each having advantages and disadvantages. Due to the frequent use and relatively tiny surface area of padel courts, the synthetic grass is specially made to endure extreme wear.

5. Permits for Building

Your padel court needs to be built with the necessary licences in place. Otherwise, your desire to play padel might become quite pricey.

Whether you require construction permission depends on your nation and the location where you intend to construct the padel court. To learn what is necessary in your situation, check with your local authorities.

6. Installation

To get the best results, padel court installation takes expertise and understanding.

Setting up the building, adding glass walls, sand, and artificial turf are all required for this. We would recommend that you pay to hire professionals to install every part, from surface to walls. Your team will thank you for it later.

What is a Padel Tennis Court?

Padel courts need a special layout (such as the installation of squash-like rebound walls). As a result, your facilities will need to be modified to accommodate Ppadel tennis.

Padel is played by two teams of two players (doubles). It is played a lot like tennis or squash, with a few main differences.

The sport was brought back to UK clubs in areas like Hyde Park by British visitors who had played it in Southern Spain, and now many British sports clubs play padel. Padel requires padel rackets, tennis balls, and a special court with walls.


&#;My whole family is obsessed with padel! They won&#;t stop buying tennis balls, and now they have somewhere to play!&#;

&#;I&#;ve always wanted to play tennis, but then I heard about padel, and it sounded so much better. Getting a padel court set up was easy!&#;

&#;By the time I&#;d finished reading about the rules, I knew I needed a club to play at. I got a new court set up quickly, and now I play at my sports club every week.&#;

Get In Touch

Are you ready to bring the excitement of padel tennis to your property? Our expert team specialises in installing premium padel courts across the UK. Whether you&#;re looking to add a court to your home, club, or community, we are here to help every step of the way.

Let us help you create the perfect padel court tailored to your needs. Get in touch today to discuss your project and receive a free, no-obligation quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Build my own Padel Court?

Although it is possible to build your own padel court, it is recommended to hire a professional company.

Professionals bring expertise, ensuring the court meets standards and specifications with high quality and durability. They handle compliance with regulations, enhancing safety and reducing legal risks.

Although DIY might seem cost-effective, professionals save you time and money by avoiding mistakes and completing the project efficiently.

Additionally, they offer warranties and maintenance services, ensuring your court remains in top condition.

Do you need Planning for a Padel Court?

Generally, you need planning permission to build a padel court.

The requirements can vary depending on your location and the specific regulations of your local council. Key considerations include:

  1. Zoning Laws: Ensure the land is zoned for recreational use.
  2. Environmental Impact: Assess any potential impact on the environment and nearby properties.
  3. Construction Permits: Obtain necessary construction permits, which may involve submitting detailed plans and specifications.
  4. Local Regulations: Adhere to local building codes and safety standards.

It&#;s advisable to consult with your local planning authority to understand the specific requirements and obtain the necessary permissions before starting construction.

How much Land do you need for a Padel Court?

For a padel court, you need a minimum of approximately 200 square metres. The court itself measures 20 metres in length and 10 metres in width.


Additionally, you should account for extra space around the court for safety and accessibility, bringing the total required area to about 240 to 300 square metres. This additional space ensures there is enough room for fencing, access paths, and any other necessary installations.

What are the Requirements for a Padel Court?

The game of padel has only a few requirements. The rules are a lot like tennis, but you will need a smaller area and a back wall in order to play.

Can you Play Padel on a Tennis Court?

Playing padel on a tennis court is not feasible due to the significant differences in court dimensions and requirements.

A tennis court is much larger than a padel court, and padel requires specific features like walls for rebound shots, which are integral to the game. Additionally, the net height and overall court layout differ significantly.

However, you can convert a tennis court into a padel court by installing the necessary walls, fencing, and adjusting the net height and dimensions to meet padel specifications. This conversion would require professional assistance to ensure it meets the standard requirements for padel.

Product Codes

  • SAPCA Code of Practice
  • LTA Padel Court

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Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great Padel Tennis Court installation services.

What Others Say About Our Services

We absolutely love the service provided. Their approach is really friendly but professional. We went out to five different companies and found Padel Tennis Court to be value for money and their service was by far the best. Thank you for your really awesome work, we will definitely be returning!

Jon Combes
Greater London

We have used Padel Tennis Court for many years as they are certainly the best in the UK. The attention to detail and professional setup is what makes this company our go-to company for all our work. I highly recommend the team for the immense work - we highly recommend them!

Alan Downing
Greater London

For more information on Padel Tennis Courts, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.

The company is the world’s best classic padel court supplier. We are your one-stop shop for all needs. Our staff are highly-specialized and will help you find the product you need.




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