Author: Cheryl

Dec. 09, 2024


Good. Now, should you go for a safety boot or shoe? Consider the environment you work in. If you work on a rough or unstable terrain with a serious risk of slips and falls, you need to effectively protect your ankles, making boots the better option. We recommend puncture-resistant soles where the presence of sharp or pointed objects on the ground is an issue. Protecting the top of the foot is also necessary to prevent the risk of pricking, cutting or fracture in the part of the foot not protected by the steel toe cap.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit our website.

  •  Work in a forest environment
  • Exposure to water or extreme cold or heat
  • Explosive atmospheres presenting a risk of electrostatic discharge
  • Electric shock
  • Falling of heavy or burning objects
  • Splatter from welding, molten metal and corrosive or irritating liquids
  • Any sharp or pointed objects that might cut the top of the feet.
  • Objects that may penetrate the bottom or side of the foot.

You should first and foremost be aware that safety footwear is mandatory for all workers exposed to the possibility of foot injuries. You should therefore first identify the risks present in your work environment to guide your decision.

What are these risks?

shoes or boots?

Do you follow your gut, prioritize comfort, go for something nice looking and trendy, or do you blindly put your trust into the hands of the salesperson?

safety hich factors contribute to your choice of

How are safety boots and footwear categorised?

Safety footwear is available in a range of type/style, including:

Safety boots: the most common type of safety footwear, incorporating protective toe-caps with many other safety features including slip-resistant soles, penetration-resistant mid-soles and insulation against extremes of heat and cold.

Safety shoes: like safety boots, these usually have protective steel toe-caps although, as with safety boots, are available &#;metal free&#; &#; so called composite footwear &#; which are lighter.

Safety trainers: perhaps considered more aesthetically appealing by wearers, these look more casual. Some have steel toe caps while others are plastic &#; referred to as composite toe caps (as above).

Riggers: these have been described as &#;a real stalwart of industrial footwear&#;4. A rigger boot is a particular type of pull-on safety boot; the name &#;rigger&#; comes from the fact that they were standard issue for workers on the offshore oil rigs in the North Sea, but are nowadays worn by most types of manual worker as a general purpose work boot. Concerns with this type of safety footwear have been raised, including a lack of ankle support.

Wellingtons: usually made of rubber and used for working in wet conditions, these are also useful in jobs where the footwear needs to be washed and disinfected for hygiene reasons, eg in the food and the chemical industries.

Clogs: these may also be used as safety footwear. They are traditionally made from beech wood and may be fitted with steel toe-caps and thin rubber soles for quieter tread.

Ladies ranges: safety footwear for women in a range of styles (boot, shoe, trainer) with the required key features such as steel toe caps, heat resistant midsoles and oil repellent soles.

Footwear for health conditions (eg plantar fasciitis; diabetes): see below.

Remember: manufacturers and suppliers have a key role in ensuring that suitable products are available and that companies have the information to enable them to make the right choice.

Understanding safety footwear


Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations

These Regulations seek to ensure that where risks cannot be adequately controlled by other means, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is correctly selected and used.

The Regulations also require that PPE is:

  • properly assessed before use to make sure it is fit for purpose
  • maintained and stored properly
  • provided with instructions on how to use it safely
  • used correctly by employees.

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
The Management Regulations require employers to identify and assess risks to health and safety in order to determine appropriate means of reducing those risks to an acceptable level. A risk assessment can establish the need for safety footwear, and what the requirements are for the workplace you are buying for. This will give you a clear understanding of the hazards you wish to protect against and allow you to select the most appropriate PPE for your working environment.

Health and Safety at Work etc Act (HSWA)
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act requires employers to ensure the health and safety of all employees and anyone affected by their work, so far as is reasonably practicable, which means balancing the level of risk against the measures needed to control the risk in terms of money, time or trouble. This includes taking steps to control slip and trip risks.

Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations (Regulation 12)
This Regulation requires that floors be suitable, in good condition and free from obstructions. People should be able to move around safely.

Different Levels of Protection

It is essential that procurers of footwear are sure that their chosen type will live up to the product description. 4All safety footwear has to meet certain requirements in line with European standards, that ensure the footwear has been tested effectively as stated by the standards and has certain properties that must be adhered to.

The EN StandardsThe quickest way to make sure any piece of footwear satisfies the &#;essential requirements&#; to protect workers as set out in the PPE Regulations is to be sure it is certified to the relevant EN standards.The safety features of footwear are tested according to a set of European test standards written into EN ISO : (revised by ISO :). The performance specifications are given in an associated set of standards, namely:

EN ISO : (replaced by : &#; see below) for safety footwear: specifies a standard of 200 joules impact resistance (equivalent to a 20kg weight dropped mm onto the toes), and a 15KN compression test (equivalent to 1.5 tonnes resting on the toe area).

EN ISO : for protective footwear: specifies a lesser standard of 100 joules impact resistance, and a 10KN compression test.

EN ISO : for occupational footwear: can have many of the features of safety and/or protective footwear but without the safety toecap.

Once tested and certified, footwear products are stamped with the CE mark. Note: the manufacturer must also provide user information indicating the applications for which the footwear is, or is not, suitable.

The standards explained
The latest standard for safety footwear most commonly used is:

ISO EN :: Personal protective equipment &#; Safety footwear

  • This replaces the older EN : and EN 345 standard on all new products. The earlier standards will still be seen on older stock but all new stock coming onto the market after June has to comply with EN :. The relevant standard to which the footwear conforms will be identified on the footwear together with the level of protection provided. Footwear compliant with EN ISO : offers the greatest protection.

    Special risks are covered by complementary job-related standards, for example footwear for firefighters, electrical insulating footwear, footwear protecting against chain saw injuries, chemicals, molten metal splash, and protection for motor cycle riders.

    Some key points

All footwear designed before and still manufactured up to today carry EN ISO :.

EN ISO : is the standard for footwear designed or retested after . It sets out the minimum requirements that safety footwear must be successfully tested against.

EN ISO : applies to all footwear manufactured after 31 July ; these products must meet that standard. EN ISO : sets out tougher minimum requirements that safety footwear must be successfully tested against. The standard specifies that all safety footwear must have toe protection.


To make selection easier, safety boots and footwear normally carries a simple two or three letter code which defines the basic safety standards for that particular product.  Typically this begins with an S for 200 Joule toe caps and less commonly P for 100 Joule toe caps; additional properties may be indicated by the use of further codes or pictograms.

As a basic requirement safety footwear must have a 200 joule toe cap. Other properties that may be included are: penetration resistance (midsole protection), conductive, anti-static, insulated against heat or cold, energy absorbing, outsole resistant to hot contact, water resistant.

Summary of basic ratings

  • ClassFeatures & Benefits SBSafety basic, 200 joules Toe Protection, Oil Resistant outer sole.  (Minimum Requirement)SBPAs SB plus Mid-Sole for penetration resistance.S1As SB plus Anti-Static properties and fully enclosed Energy Absorbing heel area.S1PAs S1 plus Mid-Sole for penetration resistance.S2As S1 plus resistance to Water Penetration and absorption.S3As S2 plus Mid-Sole for penetration resistance and cleated outsoleS4200 joules Toe Protection.  All rubber or polymer construction (waterproof). Anti-Static properties, Energy Absorbing heel area.S5As S4 plus Mid-Sole for penetration resistance and cleated outsole.

    Source: Ultimate Industrial Limited


    Toe protection (SB)

    Your toes are a very vulnerable part of your body, especially in a workplace. Toe protection must withstand a 200 joule impact. Joule is the unit of energy and this standard is purposefully specific. Something heavy falling from a low height could have a lot less energy than something lighter from a much higher height. As well as impacts, the toe area must withstand a resting mass of well over kg.

    Most people have heard of steel toe cap boots but the protection doesn&#;t have to be steel. In fact there are advantages to alternatives. Non-metallic protection can be equally as strong but lighter.

    Antistatic protection (A)

    Clothing, seating materials, and climate factors can cause a build up a static charge of electricity in the body. Some materials in footwear can over insulate the body causing the charge to be held. When you then touch something the charge can rush from your body quickly causing a spark and a small uncomfortable shock. Antistatic footwear will significantly reduce this effect but does not offer full protection for exposure to electronics and explosives work. You will need Electro-Static Protection (ESD) for this.

    Midsole penetration protection (P) &#; SB-P, S1-P, S3, S5

    Sharp objects where we walk and stand are a significant risk not only in the workplace but also outdoors and at home. Midsole protection will guard against nails and other objects. To meet this standard the footwear must be able to resist a penetration force of N. Midsole protection is provided in one of these methods: a stainless steel insert in the sole, aluminium insert in the sole, or by Kevlar insole. The Aluminium and Kevlar solutions are the most flexible and lightest and cover the greatest area of the foot. Kevlar insoles also offer much higher thermal insulation.

    Energy Absorption (E)

    Energy Absorption in the heel region

     Water Resistant Upper (WRU)

    Water resistant upper; not used on all rubber or polymeric footwear.

     Heat Resistant (HRO)

    Heat resistant outsole: to resist 300°C for 60 seconds

     Insulation against Cold (CI)

    Insulation against cold: tested for 30 minutes at 1 -20°C

    Insulation against heat (HI)

    Insulation against heat: tested for 30 minutes at 150°C

     Electro-Static Discharge (ESD)

    ESD footwear is designed for the electronics and explosives industry and has to meet ESD CEI EN -5-1 standard.

    Non-metallic footwear

    Safety footwear containing no metal parts is ideal for workplaces with metal detectors like airports, eliminating the hassle of removing them.

    All safety footwear can have more features than are listed above but these are the minimum requirements to meet each of the safety ratings and the most common.

    Options for specific protection are categorised as:

  • A &#; Antistatic: Comes as standard with level S1, S2 & S3
  • E &#; Energy absorbing heel: Comes as standard with level S1, S2 & S3
  • P &#; Puncture Resistant: Comes as standard with level SB-P, S1-P & S3
  • HRO &#; Heat Resistant Outsole: Comes as standard with level SB, S1, S2 & S3

It is advisable to check labels on footwear to ensure the correct code for use is applicable; refer to user information leaflets for more detailed information on safety from individual brands.

Slip ResistanceHowever, as indicated in the PPE Directive, slip resistance is considered a &#;basic requirement&#; of all PPE footwear. As such, slip resistance performance should be tested using European standard BS EN ISO : Personal protective equipment. Footwear. Test method for slip resistance. EN ISO gives a good indication of how well a sole is likely to grip.

  • The HSE advise that you check with your supplier whether the footwear you are interested in has actually been tested for slip resistance &#; older models might not have been. Where footwear has been tested, coefficient of friction (CoF) test values must be available. CoF data can be requested from the supplier and must be included in the user instructions.. Some suppliers now publish it in their catalogues. The higher the CoF, the better the slip resistance. Look for CoF results higher than the minimum requirements set out in annex A of EN ISO /6/7: (A1:).

    The safety features of footwear, including slip resistance, are also tested according to a set of European test standards written into EN ISO : Personal protective equipment. Test methods for footwear.

    Depending on the test conditions chosen, footwear tested according to the EN standards is now marked with one of the following codes: SRA, SRB, SRC.

    The codes indicate that the footwear has met the specified requirements when tested as follows:

SRA &#; tested on ceramic tile wetted with dilute soap solution

SRB &#; tested on smooth steel with glycerol

SRC &#; tested under both the above conditions.

If industrial footwear is CE marked and claimed to be slip-resistant it must have been tested and the CoF data test values must be available.It may also be appropriate to request additional test data from the supplier, such as CoF values on test surfaces specific to the end use. Some footwear which claims general slip resistance may not perform well in particular demanding conditions &#; no one type of footwear will be ideal in all situations.

Selecting safety boots for your business

PPE &#; including safety footwear &#; should only ever be used as a &#;last resort&#; when all other reasonable or practical measures have been taken to manage the risk. It is crucial that the safety footwear you select:

meets legislative requirements and legal standards

is used correctly by all staff wearing it.

  • Manufacturers and suppliers have a key role (under the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations and under section 6 of the HSWA) in ensuring that suitable products are available and that companies have the information to enable them to make the right choice.Footwear selection has to take account of a number of factors, such as comfort, durability and any additional safety features required, such as steel mid-sole. The final choice may have to be a compromise. Therefore it is advisable not to select footwear on the basis of brochure descriptions or laboratory test results alone5.To be &#;suitable&#;, the PPE (including footwear) must be:
    • assessed as appropriate both to the risk involved and to the working conditions
    • selected to take account of factors such as the length of time it needs to be worn
    • capable of fitting the wearer correctly
    • compatible with other PPE which may need to be worn (e.g. boilersuits)
    • and must carry a &#;CE&#; mark if manufactured after 30 June .

Safety footwear risk assessment

Before selecting safety boots and footwear you should refer to a recent, existing risk assessment for the workplace you are buying for, or carry one out if one does not already exist.

This will give you a clear understanding of the hazards you need to protect against &#; and allow you to select the most appropriate safety footwear for your working environment. A risk assessment is a good way to identify new or missed hazards and to put measures in place to control them.

The hazards may include:

  • wet conditions
  • electrostatic build-up
  • slipping
  • cuts and punctures
  • falling objects
  • metal and chemical splash

When performing a risk assessment for safety footwear, think about the task, the user and the environment in which they will be worn. Consider key points such as:

  • Is there a risk of falling objects?
  • Is there a risk of sharp objects penetrating the sole of the shoe?
  • Is there a need for metatarsal protection? Could objects damage/ crush the whole foot?
  • Is there a need for cut protection (ie chainsaw operation)?
  • Are there slippery surfaces in the workplace?
  • Are acids/ alkalis/ chemicals present in the workplace?
  • Is heel or ankle support required? Is there a risk of twisting or spraining the ankle?
  • Is there a risk of contact with molten metal?
  • Is there a risk of contact with temperature extremes?
  • Are minor irritant substances present?
  • Are there biohazard risks such as in healthcare settings?
  • Is the employee on their feet for long hours?
  • Are employees working in very wet or damp conditions?
  • Does the employee have any health concerns relevant to the safety footwear required; eg diabetes, plantar fasciitis, etc?

Concentrate on the real risks &#; those that are most likely to cause harm. Think about how accidents could happen and who might be harmed.

Ask your employees/colleagues what they think the hazards are &#; they may notice things that are not obvious to you and may have some good ideas on how to control the risks.

The risk assessment should be periodically reviewed in case circumstances in the workplace change.

PPE should also be periodically reviewed as new, improved styles may have become available and protective kit should be regularly checked for faults and properly maintained (more on this below) &#; staff should be encouraged to report faults or problems with their PPE.

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Selecting the correct footwear for the hazard/risk

Knowing the specific needs of your workplace environment is a key consideration. Is there a potential risk from falling objects, sharp surfaces or metals, or are chemicals or electrical hazards another potential risk?

Refer to your risk assessment but also consider the following:

Hazard/riskConsiderationsFalling objectsToe cap protection &#; steel or compositeSharp objects/sole penetrationSteel or composite midsole protectionMetatarsal injury/crush riskMetatarsal protector covering the bridge of the footwearCut protection (eg chainsaw)Specialist chainsaw boots are availableSlippery surfacesNon-slip soleAcids/alkalis/chemicalsAcids/alkalis/chemicals resistant sole; know what type of acid/chemical is being used. Calling the supplier to check the footwear complies with requirements may be necessaryHeel/ankle supportAnkle protection; lace ups; shock absorbing heelsMolten metalFoundry boots; calf protectionExtreme temperaturesHeat resistant soles; cold store boots/wellies (ensure insulation as well as breathable qualities)Minor irritant substancesRigger boots provide extra coverageBiohazardsEasy-clean, machine washableLong standing periodsComfortable soles; insoles; shock-absorber heelWet/damp conditionsSafety wellingtonsSource: adapted from Best Workwear


Selecting the correct footwear by use

As well as considering the hazards/risk involved in the job requiring safety footwear, procurers can also think about their industry &#; construction and healthcare sectors will have very different needs. For example:

SectorNeedsRecommendedAgricultureProtective toe caps and midsole; anti-static and anti-slip sole; waterproofSafety wellingtonsCateringShock absorber heel; anti-slip sole; easy-clean/machine washableWashable safety shoesConstructionProtective 200 joule toe caps and midsole protection; secure fit; supportStandard safety bootsCold storeSteel or composite toe cap and midsole; water resistant outer; sealed stitching; thermal liningCold store boot; specialist wellingtonFoundry (welders)Secure top preventing hot material falling onto feet; quick release bucklesFoundry boots; welder safety shoesForestry (chainsaw operators)Good grip; protective guarding to the front, toe cap and midsoleChainsaw boots (special hazard safety boots)HealthcareNon-slip sole; shock absorber heel; comfortable sole; easy-clean/machine washableWashable slip on safety shoe/clogLaboratory/chemical handlingChemical resistance (to EN -2; -3)Chemical resistant safety wellingtons; safety boots/shoes with chemical resistant sole for less hazardous environmentsWarehouseProtective toe cap; anti-static and anti-slip sole; oil and acid/alkali resistanceSafety boots/shoes to suit warehouse activities/environment


Source: adapted from Best Workwear

Other selection considerations

Impact and Compression Ratings

When shopping for steel toe or composite boots/shoes you must be aware of the impact rating and compression rating:

  1. the impact rating is a number that informs you of the amount of pounds of impact the shoes will protect against. For example, an I/75 impact rated pair of boots can withstand an impact of 75 pounds. The minimum impact rating for safety toe boots is I/50
  2. the compression rating is the number of loads the shoes can withstand before cracking or breaking. For example, a C/75 will guard against compressive loads of up to 2,500 pounds. A C/50 pair of boots can protect against compressive loads of up to 1,750 pounds.

Comfort and Convenience

Comfort and convenience to the wearer should be considered when selecting safety boots and footwear: employees should be consulted and be given a degree of choice, where appropriate, before final selection is made.

Footwear is worn for many hours each day, and so must offer comfort as well as safety; the fit must be right to ensure both.

Employee consultation

As noted above, consultation with those wearing the PPE is crucial to make sure the correct PPE is chosen and that it is used and maintained properly.

Involving the end-users with regard to fit, comfort and wearability is likely to lead to better levels of user acceptance and therefore better protection.

CE marking

Ensure any safety footwear you buy is &#;CE&#; marked and complies with the requirements of the PPE Regulations. The CE marking signifies that the PPE satisfies certain basic safety requirements and in some cases will have been tested and certified by an independent body.

Try before you buy

Some suppliers may offer &#;try before you buy&#; on some products. This could be an important exercise in the procurement process; footwear marked &#;slip resistant&#; may not perform well in your workplace for example, but you might not know that until you try the footwear out.

Peer reviews/recommendations

Others in your industry/job role may be able to advise on what has worked for them, or recommend certain products. This should only form part of your research however, as footwear should be selected for the job/environment/worker for whom you are procuring.

Best fit

In addition to ensuring that safety boots meet the required legal standards it is also important to ensure it fits well.  Poorly fitting safety footwear can result in bunions, corns, calluses, hammertoes, and other foot problems, and above all &#; safety footwear that does not fit may fail to prevent injury. So think about:

Upper &#; should be made from natural materials such as leather or a breathable man-made fabric. Some leather has a plastic coating to repel water and allow the shoe to be wiped clean.

Lining &#; should be a breathable material to keep the foot fresh. Linings need to be smooth and seam-free.

Toe area &#; should be foot-shaped and deep enough to prevent rubbing and allow the toes to wriggle. This is especially important with protective toecaps. If the shoes are padded and fitted properly, you should not be able to feel the toecaps at all

Insole &#; should preferably be removable to allow easy insertion of padding or orthoses.

Heel &#;t &#; the heel should fit snugly on the foot, stopping the heel slipping out of the shoe and stabilising the foot upon ground contact.

Heel &#; should have a broad base and be no higher than 4cm. If worn for long stretches they should be no more than 2cm in height.

Sole &#; should be strong and flexible with shock absorption to cushion the jolts of walking on hard surfaces. Material should be slip resistant, such as rubber, polyurethane or PVC.

Fastenings &#; laces, buckles or Velcro to secure the foot in the shoe.


Consider the materials used to make the footwear as each material provides different levels of comfort, breathability, and durability. Examples include nylon mesh and leather, full grain leather, waterproof leather, Gore Tex.

Cost over Qualit

PPE can often fall victim to cost management exercises because  it can be seen as excessive or sometimes unnecessary &#;extras&#; but is an area where cost cutting should be avoided. Good quality materials are a must and durability makes for a long lasting investment, rather than a short term cost.

Some companies still hesitate to purchase quality PPE and base product selection solely on the &#;up front price&#; of each piece. While these companies may be able to reduce short term costs, they&#;re missing an opportunity to improve worker protection and enhance PPE performance.

Typically, companies get what they pay for when it comes to PPE. While lower quality footwear may cost less initially, it is likely to cost more in the long term if it needs to be replaced more frequently or if injury rates rise. Without the right protection against hazards, workplace accidents can increase.

An employer is legally responsible for protecting their workforce against injury and providing a safe working environment. Failing to do this could leave you vulnerable to expensive workplace injury claims.

What to avoid

  • Overlooking the standards: make sure the boots you select meets the relevant standards for the job involved (for example, S1 boots do not offer a steel layer protecting against sharp objects; instead you need S1P or S3 boots).
  • Buying the wrong boots: sounds obvious but if you don&#;t match the footwear to the environment, task and wearer you&#;ll be buying the wrong footwear.
  • Getting the wrong size: this can happen if you buy online. Be familiar with the wearer and their shoe size.
  • Style over safety: shoe manufacturers generally give priority to safety, quality and functionality. Although wearers may more readily wear a shoe/boot that looks good, this should not be an overriding factor when selecting.
  • Don&#;t order in bulk: if you&#;re trying a product for the first time. Test a few shortlisted items with the workforce.

Stand firm: this is how to choose the most suitable work shoes

When choosing the correct safety shoes, it is important to take account of environmental factors, your work activities, comfort and personal requirements, such as the width of your foot, the height of the instep and so on.

In this article, we will examine the most important considerations when choosing safety shoes.


Work shoes or safety shoes?

When choosing between safety shoes and work shoes, it&#;s all about the extent of protection that you need in the workplace.

  • Safety shoes: Have a reinforced toecap to protect your toes from falling objects. Are designed according to strict standards to protect against specific risks, such as falling objects. A safety shoe can protect you against electrical and chemical hazards but it is not mandatory.
  • Work shoes: No reinforced toecap or strict safety specifications. Offer general protection.


1. Choose the model on the basis of working conditions and preferences

Safety shoes are essential for protection on the work floor but choosing the right model can make a huge difference in comfort and functionality.

  • Low model: Flexible, light and perfect for tasks which require squatting or kneeling. More freedom of movement and ventilation, especially on hot days.
  • High model: Offers sturdiness and support around the ankles and heel, which provides extra stability and protection. More effective at repelling dirt and resistant to cold temperatures.
  • Sandal model: Light, well-ventilated and ideal for warmer environments. Offers adequate protection for less hazardous tasks.
  • Boots: Offer extensive protection and support, principally in dirty and wet environments. Ideal for cold weather and offer stability around ankles and heels.



2. Protects against the appropriate risks

As a first step, analyse your working environment and review the specific hazards in your workplace. You can identify the risks by drafting a risk inventory and evaluation (RI&E).

Please note! You usually need protection against more than one risk simultaneously.

Read this blog article: EN : &#; a summary of the most important updates


Below, you can see the different risks you may encounter. Your answer to these questions will affect your shoe selection:

  • Protection against falling objects (toecap): Is there a risk of falling objects? Then you need safety shoes with a reinforced toecap. This can be made of composite, steel, aluminium, kevlar or fibreglass. Shoes with reinforced toecaps can be identified via markings such as S2, S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7.
    • Composite toecaps: Offer great protection compared to steel, but are more lightweight, making them comfortable for long periods. Also offer good insulation.
    • Steel toecaps: Offer excellent protection against impact and compression but are somewhat heavier than other materials and this can affect comfort if worn for long periods. You can also have perforated steel toecaps with holes on the top; this makes them lighter and more breathable.
    • Aluminium toecaps: Offer the same protection as steel but they are lighter and this increases comfort.
    • Kevlar toecaps: Extremely strong and offer excellent protection against impact and cuts while also being extremely light, making them comfortable to wear and ideal for situations where protection against cuts and stabs is required.
    • Fibreglass toecaps: Robust and durable, offer great protection against impact while being relatively light.
  • Protection against sharp objects (sole): Do you face the risk of standing on sharp objects (which could pierce the sole)? Then choose shoes with a steel or kevlar anti-perforation sole. These are shoes of the type S1P, S3, S5 and S7.
    • Steel soles offer excellent protection against sharp objects and are robust and durable. The disadvantage is that they are heavier and less flexible than Kevlar, and this can lead to tiredness if worn for long periods.
    • Kevlar soles are lighter and more flexible than steel but offer great protection against sharp objects. The disadvantage is that they are more expensive than steel soles.
  • Working indoors or outdoors: Do you work indoors or outdoors? This is important for the materials used for the shoe and whether it is waterproof or ventilated. For outdoor work, waterproof shoes (WR or WPA) are vital but breathable materials are often preferable for indoor work.
  • Protection against slips: Is there a risk of slipping? Then choose a shoe with anti-slip properties. Designed to prevent slips on smooth surfaces and ideal for damp working environments. You can identify these by the letters SRA, SRB or SRC.
    • SRA: Resistant to slipping due to test of heel and sole on a smooth, tiled floor with cleaning fluid
    • SRB: Resistant to slipping due to test of heel and sole on a metal floor with oil
    • SRC: The shoe must fulfil the requirement for SRA and SRB
  • Contact with chemicals: Do you come into contact with chemicals? And, if so, which ones? Choose safety shoes that are resistant against the specific chemicals that you use at work.
  • Protection against heat or cold: Do the shoes have to protect you from extreme heat or cold? Wear shoes that are lined or insulated and offer protection against extreme temperatures.
  • Working with molten metals: Do you work with molten metals? Wear shoes with a specific walking sole, such as VIBRAM, which offers protection against molten metal.
  • Working on your knees (over-toe): Do you often work on your knees? Choose shoes with an over-toe for extra protection when kneeling.
  • Protection against electrical risks: Do you work in an environment where there are electrical risks (conductive)? Then choose electrostatic dissipative (ESD) shoes. These prevent electrostatic discharge, which is vital for working with sensitive electronics.
  • Working in a clean-room (ESD): When working in a clean-room, you must also choose ESD shoes, as they are designed to minimise contamination.
  • Autoclave: Do you need washable shoes? Then choose shoes that are resistant to the high temperatures and cleaning products used in an autoclave.



Specific features

Safety shoes may have different, specific features that are chosen based on tests and identified with letters. These tests are not mandatory for every type of shoe. A letter may be added to indicate a shoe&#;s specific feature.

For example:

An S1 shoe with a perforation resistant sole is S1P. Perforation resistance is not a requirement for an S1 shoe; that is why the P has been added.

An S3 shoe, by contrast, always contains a perforation-resistant sole because this is a requirement for S3. That is why a letter P will never be added.


Below, you can see the different, specific features that a shoe can have, based on the risks, environment, etc., as described above:

  • P: Perforation resistance metal anti-perforation sole
  • PS: Non-metal anti-perforation soles tested with a thin nail (Perforation Small)
  • PL: Non-metal anti-perforation soles tested with a thick nail (Perforation Large)
  • C: Conductive footwear
  • A: Anti-static footwear
  • HI: Heat insulation of the sole
  • CI: Cold insulation of the sole
  • M: Metatarsal protection
  • AN: Ankle protection
  • FO: Resistance of the sole to oils (hydrocarbon resistant)
  • E: Energy absorption in the heel zone (damping)
  • CR: cut resistance
  • WR: Waterproof footwear
  • WPA: Upper section of work shoes is waterproof (water penetration and water absorption)
  • HRO: Resistant to heat contact to max. 300°C for 60 seconds
  • SRA: Resistant to slipping due to test of heel and sole on a smooth, tiled floor with cleaning fluid
  • SRB: Resistant to slipping due to test of heel and sole on a metal floor with oil
  • SRC: The shoe must fulfil the requirement for SRA and SRB
  • SR: Slip test with glycerine on a ceramic surface with both forward heel slip and backward slip of the forefoot
  • LG: Ladder grip
  • SC: Evidence that over-toe ensures that the toe wears out less quickly (Scuff Cap)



Different combinations of an outsole

An outsole may be single, double or triple layered, and as such, may contain various combinations of materials. When different materials are indicated for an outsole, (e.g. PU/Nitrile), the material that is named first is the one that lies nearest to the foot. The last-mentioned is on the outside of the sole, i.e. this is the material that is in contact with the environment.

The combination is frequently used to create shoes that are as comfortable (and light-weight) as possible, yet provide a certain degree of protection (e.g. high temperatures, wear, etc.).

  • Rubber (neoprene or nitrile): High density and weight, high temperature and chemical resistance, good mechanical resistance.
  • PU: Liquid injected plastic in varying densities. Flexible, non-slip, but with limited chemical and heat resistance.
  • TPU: TPU has the same properties as PU, but with improved wear resistance.


A summary of the different combinations of outsoles and when they should be used:

  • PU/PU (Polyurethane/Polyurethane): PU/PU-outsoles are tough, shock-absorbing, oil and acid resistant and also offer good grip on various surfaces. With a softer mid-layer for damping and a harder mid-layer for stability, these soles are lightweight and offer a great deal of comfort.
  • PU/TPU (Polyurethane/Thermoplastic Polyurethane): This combination offers the damping and flexibility of a PU combined with the sustainability and hard-wearing characteristics of TPU. PU/TPU outsoles offer good grip and stability on both dry and wet surfaces. They are suitable for different working environments, including outdoor areas and situations where greater protection against wear and tear is required. They also do not leave dark stripes on the surfaces and are resistant to heat up to 110 degrees.
  • PU/NITRILE: A PU/Nitrile sole offers excellent shock-absorption, is hard-wearing, and offers superlative resistance to oils, fats and chemicals. Suitable for heavier work and resistant to heat up to 300 degrees for short periods.
  • Rubber/NITRILE: This combination offers maximum resistance to oils, fats, chemicals and heat. Rubber/NITRILE soles are very robust, can cope with wear and tear, and offer excellent grip on various surfaces, making them ideal for use in extreme working environments.

When choosing your outsole, bear in mind your specific working conditions as discussed above.


3. Choose the best fit

Safety shoes are available in various models, such as high, low, sandal and boot. Shoes that fit well offer the best protection and prevent foot issues in the long term. Always try different sizes to find the best fit. The right fit is not just a question of length but also of width. Some brands offer footwear in various widths while others supply different insoles.

Some safety shoes also offer fitting options for improved comfort, including adjustable closures, removable insoles or wider sizes. Consider these options if you need extra comfort and support.



4. Choose your own comfort and preferences

Always choose comfortable safety shoes. Note the properties such as flexibility, damping and grip, as these contribute towards comfort. Soft linings and an ergonomic design can significantly improve wearer comfort. When selecting the inner lining, there are various options, including textile, leather, wool, nylon, PVC or synthetic material. The right type of lining depends on the working conditions and personal preferences. The shoe's closure is also important. This could involve Velcro, laces, zips, instep-styles, or the innovative BOA closure system. Find out which options suit your needs and work.

Also read: What is the BOA lacing system and how does it compare to ordinary laces?


5. Sustainability and life-span of safety shoes

The most sustainable shoes are those that last the longest. Circular shoes are not yet available. There are brands which offer shoes with a material passport or shoes which have components made of recycled materials. These are great initiatives but, in the end, the most sustainable shoes are the shoes that last the longest. So, choose safety shoes made of top quality materials which will withstand wear and tear and regular use.

Don't forget to check the condition of Safety shoes (for wear and tear) regularly, maintain them and, if necessary, replace them to guarantee optimum protection. Make sure that they are also cleaned adequately and dried properly.


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