Digital Phones vs IP Phones for Your Business: Pros & ...

Author: Steve

Oct. 21, 2024

Digital Phones vs IP Phones for Your Business: Pros & ...

If you&#;re considering a new office system, then you may have already discovered that choosing a system is not as simple as selecting a fleet of handsets and being done with it.  As people&#;s preferred methods of communication have evolved, technology has raced to catch up.

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Digital phones and IP phones are two of the most popular options right now for those that are considering upgrading their communication systems. While the two technologies have much in common, they have many significant differences as well.

So, how do you figure out if you need a digital system or an IP system? Is one better than the other? Let&#;s take a look at each of the options as well as their respective pros and cons to help you make the right decision for your business.

What is a Digital System?

Digital phones are essentially the next technological step for the traditional office system. These phones still use traditional lines but convert the analog sound of your voice into a digital signal that is encoded and then decoded at the other end of the line.

What&#;s the major difference between the traditional phones you have been using for years and digital phones? It boils down to clarity. Compare an analog television antenna with a digital receiver. The picture quality on the digital receiver will be far better than the analog signal which may have varying quality due to environmental factors.

The Pros of a Digital System

One of the main advantages of a digital system is that it connects using traditional lines. For most offices, this means that there are no additional lines or equipment which needs to be installed. If the upfront cost of changing your system is a concern, then a digital office system may be the best way to upgrade without spending a lot of money.

Since digital phones use the same lines as tried, tested, and true analog phones, you can expect no change in reliability. Digital phones have a more straightforward implementation than IP phones which means there are less potential points of failure.

The Cons of a Digital System

A major risk of choosing a digital system is mobility, or more specifically, the lack thereof. The system&#;s PBX port essentially points to a specific location. When you dial a user or number, then it will follow the line to reach the specified user.  

If a user changes desks or numbers, then the system will require reprogramming.  If you don&#;t have an in-house IT team with the capacity to make these types of changes, it can grow into an irritating expense.

If you are building a new office building, then you may find the cost of wiring for traditional lines unnecessary when network wiring can support your IP phones as well as all of your other networking needs.

What is an IP System?

You have likely heard IP systems referred to as VoIP or voice over internet protocol. This is the latest step in telecommunications and makes use of the internet rather than traditional lines.

Each handset in an IP system is programmed with the information it needs. This is in contrast to the digital system where a PBX dictates where numbers or users are located.

Pros of an IP System

Arguably the most significant advantage of choosing an IP system is mobility. If users need to move to new offices down the hall or across the city, they can take their existing with them, plug it in, and continue working as usual. Since the information is programmed into the itself, all it needs is an internet connection.

Being connected to the internet also offers additional features. Some IP systems may provide mobile apps for unified communications connectivity when on-the-go or video telecommunication solutions.

Another notable improvement of an IP over a digital or analog is that since they operate over the internet, they don&#;t require traditional lines.  This can represent significant monthly cost savings.

If you are looking for more than just an office desk , IP systems may have all of the features you need, built into one package.

Cons of IP Systems

IP phones require stable data connections. If your office is located in an area without fast, reliable internet, then your call quality could suffer greatly. This would be an especially vital concern for areas with frequent power outages or rural areas that use internet options like satellite or line of sight internet as these users may find their system lacks reliability.

While IP systems may offer additional features and mobility, they are inherently more complex than digital systems. If you do not have professional support then setting up and maintaining an IP system may prove to be more challenging.

Consider All of Your Options

Still wondering if a digital office system or an IP system is right for you?  Perhaps you aren&#;t even sold on the idea that you should replace your old analog system at all?  Our article breaking down SIP lines just give you the answers you crave. 

We have helped hundreds of businesses retrofit their telecommunications systems to improve reliability, provide enhanced features, or reduce overhead costs.  Contact our telecommunications experts at Office Interiors to help make the right choice for your business.

Cory Porteous
Marketing Manager
Office Interiors

Traditional vs. Digital vs. VoIP System

Communication via technology is ever-changing and constantly evolving for the main benefit of users. Over the decades, systems have gone from analog to digital to Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). With this constantly changing technology, it is vital to keep educated to produce informed decisions that best fit your needs.

Today&#;s VoIP solutions provider offers a service that allows voice to carry over the Internet instead of via copper lines, a data connection.

The call-handling components of the original business VoIP providers were on-premises hardware, but in recent years, software-based VoIP solutions have also been accessible. However, When choosing a system for your company, it is complex when comparing digital phones vs. VoIP vs. traditional services. In this post, we&#;ll offer you some information regarding the best option for your company that can help your bottom line. But before proceeding further, let&#;s understand digital phones, traditional phones, and VoIP services.

Traditional System

Landlines are used in traditional networks, categorically regarded as the original, most reliable technology. These systems use copper wiring and frequently include conventional functionality like hold, mute, and redial.

You will require so-called PBX hardware and the wire to operate a traditional system. For any calls made inside the corporate landline, the PBX hardware effectively serves as a central switching system and controls the flow of other calls. Due to their simplicity and high dependability, they are popular systems. Unfortunately, they may be expensive and do need upkeep.

Best For Big businesses with the resources to engage IT experts and maintain it regularly.

Worst For Budget-conscious companies or those seeking a little more high-tech.

Digital System

Compared to analog, more conventional systems, digital systems are a little more advanced. The potential to add features and capabilities, like as hold music, VoIP integration, or alarm systems, is available with digital PBXs.

Most modern digital systems come with an Internet Protocol interface, enabling added functions like click-to-dial, voicemail delivery, and fax delivery to .

Since calls still need to go through a room, even if this type of system primarily employs fiber optics rather than outdated copper wiring techniques, be sure to have someone on staff who is proficient at punching down digital sets.

Best For Companies who want a robust, reliable signal with good features.

Worst For Small enterprises that want to avoid extra frills or IT support outsourcing.

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VOIP System

Voice over Internet Protocol, or VoIP system, does not utilize landlines&#; conventional copper wiring. Instead, these systems digitally transmit the voice signal to a different or voice point using the internet and the same internet connection currently used throughout the business. They&#;re lovely for giving small companies access to many capabilities that were previously only available to larger enterprises. It includes computer connectivity, enabling all voicemails to be routed to inboxes or using smartphones to grant remote employee access.

Comparing VoIP to analog or digital systems reveals that VoIP system is much easier to maintain. In contrast to those alternatives, VoIP systems can work remotely. VoIP is a very appealing alternative for users who need to make many long-distance calls because you use the internet to make calls.

Also Read: Tips to Choose the Best VoIP Solutions for Small Businesses

The one drawback of having a VoIP system at business is that if your internet connection goes down, your lines would also be a big problem.

Best For: Small businesses who desire cutting-edge services frequently place long-distance calls and want their system connected to the internet.

Worst For: Companies without an internet connection or who would be concerned if it dropped.

Traditional Vs. Digital Vs. VoIP Systems

When determining the system for your requirements, you&#;ve three meaningful choices, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP),  Digital, and traditional systems. To put it simply, VoIP is the data transmission over a signal connection versus a solid line (i.e., the internet).

Digital systems work using the prevailing lines with upgraded equipment, which makes lines suitable for current technology. At the same time, the traditional system is connected by wires, which can be complicated to maintain and make the workplace messy. We will now explain the budget, reliability, power consumption, bandwidth, maintenance, and mobility of your current system, technology, and networking needs.

Hardware costs

Due to the necessary circuit cards, exclusive sets, and auxiliary applications, digital system technology is more expensive than VoIP hardware. Applications are often triggered through software rather than additional hardware and are more likely to be integrated with VoIP equipment.

Users of VoIP systems frequently have a more comprehensive selection of endpoints because they are less often proprietary than they are on digital systems.

Traditional systems cannot be accessed remotely via an app and can only use with dedicated phones.

Wiring is Different

VoIP systems use the same connection that links a PC to the LAN at a user&#;s desktop, so the wiring is additional.

A voice cable and a data cable need for the digital system. Since the PC and VoIP share the same cable, less wiring is needed, which lowers the installation cost for the company.

Electrical pulses on copper lines need to transmit audio from one to another in a traditional system.

Power Consumption

VoIP system must connect to an AC power supply, which must connect to the phones. Since they utilize the power provided by the wire inserted between the and the digital circuit board, digital systems typically do not need to meet this requirement. While in traditional systems, PBX or VoIP switches&#; power consumption rates while operating during a power outage.


The VoIP system uses bandwidth sharing between phones and computers in office settings. Phones and PCs may not function properly due to insufficient bandwidth. The VoIP systems provide backup internet connections, allowing for more extraordinary office working flexibility. So the system continues to work flawlessly even when the Internet is out.

The relationship between the digital system and bandwidth is minimal. Therefore, there is no need to question if upgrading to a broadband connection is essential. While in a traditional system, there is no bandwidth requirement.


A professional must be present to do digital system maintenance. The VoIP phones enable anyone with admin access to log into the system remotely. It hosts VoIP systems that automatically update their software. Naturally, there is no on-site maintenance. VoIP systems can add new lines more quickly and easily without building wiring. While the traditional system is user-friendly, so requires low maintenance.


Customers value portability greatly, and VoIP meets their needs. If one uses a VoIP system, one must physically shift the to a new connection, and the number must follow suit. Naturally, office settings enjoy the freedom of working in such an environment. Using a digital system necessitates transfers, which are time-consuming because a call to the technician is required to move numbers to a new location. While in a traditional system, wiring by a qualified electrician is necessary when moving extensions.

Comparison between Traditional Vs. Digital Vs. VoIP Systems


Factor Traditional Digital VoIP Systems At a Glance Known as Legacy System Proprietary to the PBX A sort of Internet Protocol (IP)based digital telephony Age by Alexander Graham Bell The late s Developed in Basic Features Call forwarding, Call routing, Caller ID, Call recording, and Emergency number Analog primary features, LCD display, Caller ID, soft keys appearance Basic Features, Advanced Features(Virtual auto attendants, Call forward, Voice mail, Conference Call, CRM Integration) Cost Expensive to install, implement and use. Increased efficiency of communication, and expensive to make international calls Lower Upfront Costs. Expansion and international call costs are high Initial spending is costly. Call rates are free or lower because it uses the internet Set-up Not easy to set up Needs Professional Support Initial spending is costly. Call rates are free or lower because it uses the internet Wiring Voice signal travels through copper wire to make and receive calls Requires both a voice and a data cable Plugged into an Ethernet How it Works Copper wires transmit electrical pulses that carry audio from one to another. Transforms the analog voice signal into a digital signal (1s and 0s) before sending it across the connected line, decoding it to produce sound at the other end To send the voice signal via the Internet to the chosen location, the voice signal is transformed into digital and divided into many packets Power Work during the power outage Use little power from the line itself. Service terminates during a power outage Use little power from the line itself. Service terminates during a power outage Bandwidth No Bandwidth Requirements Use less bandwidth Bandwidth is shared amongst computers and phones. Use less bandwidth. Scalability Lack of Scalability Increase/Upgrade equipment or hardware is required over time. Simple software upgrade. Additional lines are easy to set up but increase the need for bandwidth. Maintenance User-Friendly and Low Maintenance Maintenance has to be done by a technician on-site Anyone with administrator access rights can log in remotely to the system Good For Small Businesses Home, SMBs SMBs, Large Companies Mobility Rewiring by a qualified electrician is necessary when moving an extension Getting a technician to transfer the numbers to the new location is necessary when switching phones Simply physically moving the to a different connection is all it takes to move it, and the number is automatically updated.

VoIP, Digital, and Traditional System: Which Is Better for Business?

VoIP is the more convenient option after comparing all systems The VoIP system could be up and running within several hours or less, while the original usually takes days or weeks to set up. There is no need for a massive investment to get VoIP.

You can communicate with any employee working from home or traveling for business. You can also quickly reach any client, wherever you are.

But the ability to schedule a conference call might be the most intriguing feature. Twenty or more persons can reach their rooms, possibly in several cities or nations. Additionally, you can deliver a complete presentation via video conferencing.

Wrapping Up

Every company is aware of the value of its system. Although it has always been the customer&#;s lifeline, we can combine it with other corporate operations and processes to improve productivity and total customer relationship. After reading this article, you better understand how VoIP, digital, and traditional services vary. Every choice has a place in the discussion. But the truth is that a VoIP system&#;s functionality can be more than required if your entire team allocates in a single structure and most of your business is local.

If you still have concerns, Ecosmob Technologies will help you determine which option is best for your business. When working closely with our clients, we frequently offer cost/benefit analysis services that simplify contrasting your current system with alternative solutions. We also show customers how to use various features.

Upgrade to the Future, and Choose a Service With Advanced Features.

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