Bolted Joint Analysis

Author: Harry

Aug. 26, 2024

Bolted Joint Analysis

Thread Dimensions

When analyzing a joint, it is necessary to know the characteristic dimensions of both the external thread and internal thread. A thread size is specified based on a nominal (major) diameter and either the number of threads per inch (for unified inch threads) or the pitch (for metric threads). The thread sizes for coarse thread and fine thread can be found in tables located in any standard machine design handbook, as well as in the thread size tables in the Appendix. The pitch, P is the distance between the threads. When the pitch is in units of inches, it is related to the threads per inch, TPI, by:

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TPI = 1 / P

Thread Dimensions (Internal and External Thread):

Symbol US Units SI Units Nominal (Major) Diameter


in mm Threads Per Inch


in-1 --- Pitch


in mm

The tables below provide equations for some of the thread profile dimensions of interest for both unified inch threads and ISO metric threads. In the case of metric threads, the thread profile is based on a parameter H, the height of the fundamental triangle. The value of H is related to the thread pitch, P by:

External Thread (Bolt) Dimensions:

Equation, US Units [in] Equation, Metric Units [mm] Minor Diameter

dm.ext = dnom &#; 1./TPI

(Machinery's Handbook)

dm.ext = dnom &#; 1.·P


Pitch Diameter

dp.ext = dnom &#; 0./TPI

(ASME B1.1, Section 10.1p)

dp.ext = dnom &#; 0.75·H = dnom &#; 0.·P

(Machinery's Handbook)

Internal Thread Dimensions:

Equation, US Units [in] Equation, Metric Units [mm] Minor Diameter = dnom &#; 1./TPI

(ASME B1.1, Section 10.1s) = dnom &#; 1.25·H = dnom &#; 1.·P

(Machinery's Handbook)

Pitch Diameter = dnom &#; 0./TPI

(ASME B1.1, Section 8.3) = dnom &#; 0.75·H = dnom &#; 0.·P

(Machinery's Handbook)

External Thread (Bolt) Areas:

Equation, US Units [in] Equation, Metric Units [mm] Nominal Area Tensile Stress Area

(ASME B1.1, Appendix B)

(ASME B1.13M, Appendix B)

Minor Area
(Shear Area)

In the tables above, US units are in inches and metric units are in millimeters.


Bolts are installed with a preload that ensures that the joint members remain clamped and in compression throughout the life of the joint. Preload is also important for joints with a cyclically applied load. The preload will increase the mean stress, but it will reduce the alternating stress.

Bolt Torque Calculator

Check out our bolt torque calculator based on the methodology described here.

Preload Values

The preload is commonly specified as a percentage of the bolt material's tensile yield strength, Sty. To calculate preload force as a percentage of yield strength, use:

FPL = %yld · Sty At

where %yld is the preload percent of yield, Sty is the yield strength, and At it the tensile stress area.

In general, the preload force should be no less than the maximum tensile force that will be applied to the joint. This will ensure that the clamped parts always remain in contact and in compression. Because some of the tensile force applied to the joint will act to relieve compression in the clamped parts, the joint will separate at a value of applied force that is somewhat higher than the preload. This will be discussed in a later section.

Because the tensile force that will be applied to the joint dictates the required preload, then the maximum utility is obtained from a bolt by preloading it to the highest possible value. The ductility of the bolt material dictates how close to the yield strength the bolt can be preloaded. Shigley and Lindeburg both recommend the following (conservative) values of preload:

where Fproof is the proof load of the fastener. The relationship between the proof load and the proof strength, Sproof, is:

Fproof = Sproof At

Per Shigley, the proof strength is approximately equal to 85% of the tensile yield strength, Sty. Based on Sproof = 0.85·Sty, the recommended preload force as a function of yield strength is:

Considering that the above values are conservative, a general rule of thumb is to preload the fastener to 2/3 of the yield strength (i.e., %yld = 66.7%).

Preload Relaxation

There are many factors which can result in a "relaxation" or a loss of the preload applied during installation. Temperature fluctuations will result in expansion and contraction of the joint members and can cause either an increase or a decrease in the preload force depending on the relative lengthening and shortening between the fastener and the clamped parts. If the preload is achieved by applying torque to the bolt or nut, then this will result in torsion on the fastener which will act to increase the bolt tension and thus the preload force. Over time this torsion will dissipate and causing relaxation of the preload force. Other factors which contribute to preload relaxation include embedment and creep.

Preload relaxation can be mitigated through the use of thread-locking mechanisms including locking adhesives, lock nuts, lock washers, lock wire, and locking pellets/patches. Barrett provides a comprehensive treatment of thread locking mechanisms.

According to the Machinery's Handbook, preload relaxation occurs within hours after installation, and a preload loss allowance of approximately 10% is sufficient as a general rule.

Preload Uncertainty

The accuracy of the preload that is applied during installation is highly dependent on the tightening method employed. The following table is adapted from Barrett, from MIL-HDBK-60, and from the Machinery's Handbook:

Tightening Method Accuracy By feel ±35% Torque wrench ±25% Turn-of-the-nut ±15% Load indicating washer ±10% Bolt elongation ±3-5% Strain gages ±1% Ultrasonic sensing ±1%

Torque to Obtain Preload

Many of the common tightening methods achieve the preload force by applying a torque to the nut or to the bolt head. When tightening a fastener with a torque wrench, which is one of the easiest and most common methods, the fastener is considered to be properly tightened once the specified torque is achieved. In this case, it is necessary to determine the torque value necessary to achieve the desired preload force in the bolt. This torque is calculated using:

T = KT dnom FPL

where dnom is the nominal bolt diameter and FPL is the bolt preload force. KT is the torque coefficient and is calculated by:

where rt is the mean thread radius (the effective location of at which the thread friction acts), rc is the mean collar radius (the effective location at which the friction on the bearing face acts), ft is the friction coefficient between the thread surfaces, fc is the friction coefficient between the collar (bearing face) surfaces, λ is the lead angle, and α is the thread half angle ( α = 30°, per ASME B1.1, 10.1b). Barrett provides a good table of friction coefficients.

The value for rt is calculated as half of the mean bolt diameter, which is the average of the minor diameter and nominal diameter:

The collar area is the area of the bearing face of the part being rotated during installation (either the nut or the bolt head). The width across flats of a nut is typically 1.5 times the nominal diameter. In this case, the mean collar radius is calculated as:

The lead angle, λ, is calculated by:

where l is the lead per revolution ( = 1/TPI ).

Shigley provides a table of torque coefficients based on bolt condition, which has been adapted as shown below. When the bolt condition is unknown, a value of 0.2 is recommended for KT.

Bolt Condition


Nonplated, black finish 0.30 Zinc-plated 0.20 Lubricated 0.18 With Anti-Seize 0.12

Because of the many variables that affect the value of the torque coefficient, any tightening method that measures a preload force indirectly via a torque value will be inherently inaccurate. It is for this reason that there is such a large uncertainty in preload accuracy when using a torque wrench.

Need a Bolted Joint Calculator?

Check out our bolted joint calculator based on the methodology described here.

  • stress analysis of a bolted joint
  • accounts for preload, applied axial load, and applied shear load

Joint Stiffness

The joint can be considered as a set of springs. The parts within the grip act as a set of springs in series, and the grip and the bolt act as springs in parallel. The joint can be modeled as shown below. Note that in the joint shown below there are only 2 parts in the grip; however, the number of parts is not limited to 2, and each part in the joint would be represented by a spring.

Each spring from the figure above has a stiffness of:

where A is the area, E is the elastic modulus of the material, and L is the length.

Bolt Stiffness

When a joint is assembled properly, the full shank of the bolt will be in the grip along with some length of threads. The stiffness of the shank is given by:

where Anom is the bolt nominal area, Ebolt is the elastic modulus of the bolt material, and Lshank is the length of the bolt shank.

The stiffness of the threaded portion in the grip is given by:

where At is the tensile stress area and Lthd.g is the length of the threaded portion within the grip.

The shank and the threaded portion of the bolt will act as springs in series, so that the effective stiffness of the portion of the bolt within the grip is given by:

Per ASME B18.2.1, the nominal thread length of inch-series bolts is found by:

The bolt shank length can then be found by:

Lshank = L &#; Lthd

The length of thread in the grip is found by:

Lthd.g = Lg &#; Lshank

where Lg is the grip length.

Grip Stiffness

The stiffness of the grip is calculated based on a simplified pressure-cone method as presented by Shigley. This method predicts the pressure distribution throughout the thickness of the grip. The pressure cone for a joint can be visualized in the diagram below.

The portion of a part within the pressure cone is called a frustum. Every part in the grip will contain either 1 or 2 frustums. The stiffness of an individual frustum is given by:

where d is the inner diameter of the frustum, D is the smallest value of the frustum outer diameter, t is the frustum thickness, E is the elastic modulus of the material, and α is the angle of the pressure cone. Shigley recommends a value of 30° for α.

The height of the pressure cone depends on the grip length, Lg, which is the combined thickness of the parts being clamped in the joint (see the figure above). In a joint with a nut, the pressure cone starts under the head of the bolt and ends under the nut. The frustum diameters in this case can be easily determined using the diameters of the bearing faces. In a tapped joint, the pressure cone starts under the head of the bolt and ends in the threaded portion of the final plate. Per Shigley, the effective grip thickness of the final plate is given as:

L'g.p2 = 


(t, dnom) / 2

where t is the plate thickness and dnom is the bolt nominal diameter. The frustum diameter at the end of the pressure cone is assumed to be 1.5·dnom.

The stiffness of the grip is calculated by considering the frustums to act as springs in series:

Grip Stiffness Simplification

Shigley provides an equation which calculates the correct grip stiffness on the condition that every part in the grip has the same elastic modulus. As long as this condition is true, then the grip stiffness calculated using the simplified equation below will be the same as that calculated using the full procedure where every frustum is considered individually:

In the equation above, E is the elastic modulus of the grip material, Lg is the grip length, α is the frustum angle (30°), dbh is the diameter of the bearing face under the bolt head, and d is the inner frustum diameter. The value for d can either be the nominal bolt diameter (for a more approximate result), or it can be the hole diameter of the most central part in the joint (for a more realistic result).

An even more simplified equation for the grip stiffness can be found if it is assumed that the bolt head diameter is 50 percent larger than the bolt nominal diameter (i.e., dbh = 1.5·dnom):

Need a Bolted Joint Calculator?

Check out our bolted joint calculator based on the methodology described here.

  • stress analysis of a bolted joint
  • accounts for preload, applied axial load, and applied shear load

Bolt Load vs Applied Load

The preload elongates the bolt and compresses the clamped parts. When a tensile load is applied to the joint, some portion of the applied load acts to relieve the compression in the clamped parts and the other portion further elongates the bolt. The portion of the applied load that is carried by the bolt is dependent on the relative stiffness of the bolt and the clamped parts. This relative stiffness is known as the joint constant, C:

The following is a representative diagram of bolt load as a function of the applied joint load:

In the figure above, the x-axis is the tensile load applied to the joint, and the y-axis is the tensile load that exists in the bolt. When the applied load is zero, the tensile load on the bolt is equal to the preload force. As load is applied to the joint, the some of the applied load acts to relieve compression in the clamped parts and some of the applied load acts to increase the tension in the bolt. The bolt load line has a constant slope equal to the joint constant, C.

The nominal bolt load curve is shown as a thick solid blue line. The two lighter blue lines running parallel to the nominal curve are the minimum and maximum bolt load curves. The minimum curve accounts for preload uncertainty due to installation method as well as preload relaxation. The maximum curve accounts for preload uncertainty. In the curves above, a preload uncertainty of ±25% was used (corresponding to installation with a torque wrench) along with a preload relaxation of 10%.

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Another curve to note in the figure above is the bolt tensile yield load line, shown as a horizontal red dashed line. This line indicates the value of tensile load on the bolt which will result in yielding. This line accounts for shear and bending, so any shear force or bending moments acting on the bolt will lower this line.

Joint Separation

The knee in the curve in the bolt load diagram above shows the point where the joint separates. At this point, the applied load is sufficient to separate the parts in the joint (all of the compression in the clamped parts has been relieved), and after this point any load applied to the joint is taken entirely by the bolt. The force that will result in separation of the joint is found by:

Note that the separation force will always be somewhat higher than the preload force.

Separation of the joint is a failure criterion, and a joint should be designed such that it will not separate during service. The factor of safety on separation is found by:

Forces on Bolt

The total tensile force on the bolt is due to 2 components: the preload force and the applied tensile load. The values of these components for each portion of the bolt load curve are found by:

Joint Not Separated Joint Separated Bolt tension due to preload,




0 Bolt tension due to applied load,



The total tensile force on the bolt is the sum of the tension due to preload and the tension due to the applied load, as determined from the table above:

Fb.t = Fb.PL +

Another way to express the total tensile force on the bolt is:

The shear force on the bolt is equal to the shear load applied to the joint:

Fb.s =

A bending moment could exist in the bolt if there is a gap between the plates (e.g., due to a gasket) or if there are long spacers used in the joint:

Mb = Fb.s a / 2

where a is the moment arm. More discussion on the bending moment on the bolt is given in the Appendix.

Calculating Applied Forces

This reference on bolted joint analysis assumes that the tensile and shear forces applied to the joint are known. A discussion on how to calculate tensile and shear forces acting on individual bolted joints within a bolt pattern is provided in our Bolt Pattern Force Distribution reference.

Bolt Stresses

The stresses in the bolt are calculated per the equations shown in the table below:

Preload Stress Tensile Stress Shear Stress Bending Stress

where At is the tensile stress area and As is the shear area (either the nominal area if the shear plane is in the shank or the minor area if the shear plane is in the threads).

We see that the bending stress is dependent on diameter, d, which is the either the nominal diameter if the maximum moment is in the shank or the minor diameter if the maximum moment is in the threads. If we consider the bolt to be a fixed-guided beam (as discussed in the Appendix), then we see that the maximum moment will occur at the boundary conditions of the bolt which are located under the head and at the start of the internal threads. Because maximum moment occurs in the threads, the minor diameter of the bolt should be used to calculate bending stress.

The von Mises stress is calculated by:

In the equation above, n is a load factor which is applied to the tensile, bending and shear stress but is not applied to the preload stress. The load factor is related to the factor of safety, with the difference being that it is a factor that is applied to the loads or stresses to ensure that the bolt stress remains below the allowable stress.

The factor of safety can be solved for iteratively by finding the value of the load factor at which the von Mises stress equals the allowable stress:

Need a Bolted Joint Calculator?

Check out our bolted joint calculator based on the methodology described here.

  • stress analysis of a bolted joint
  • accounts for preload, applied axial load, and applied shear load

Thread Shear

Thread shear is an important failure mode for a bolted joint, and it occurs when the threads shear off of either the bolt (external thread shear) or off of the nut or tapped part (internal thread shear). There should be enough engagement between the bolt threads and internal threads that the bolt fails in tension before the threads shear. This will ensure that the full strength of the bolt is developed (and therefore there is no "wasted" bolt strength), and it will avoid the task of drilling and re-tapping the internal thread. Thread shear should be considered for both the external (bolt) thread and the internal thread.

Length of Thread Engagement

The length of thread engagement is a dominant factor that determines whether the threads will experience shear failure. A rule of thumb is that a length of engagement equal to the bolt diameter is generally sufficient to protect against thread shear. However, shear calculations should always be performed as per the following sections to ensure safety.

In a bolted joint with a nut, as long as the bolt protrudes beyond the end of the nut then the length of thread engagement can be estimated by the nut height, hnut. In reality, there will be some loss of engagement due to the chamfering around the threaded hole in the nut.

In a tapped joint, the depth of the threads in the final part should be equal to the minimum of the tapped part thickness, tp, or the bolt nominal diameter, dnom, so the length of thread engagement can be estimated as the minimum of those values. Note that these estimates do not account for chamfering at the end of the bolt or around the threaded hole in the part.

The estimates for length of thread engagement in a bolted joint are summarized by the following equation. This value of LE should then be used to calculate factors of safety on external and internal thread shear.

External Thread Shear

The thread shear area for the external thread is determined from a cylindrical area with a height equal to the length of thread engagement, LE, and with a diameter equal to the pitch diameter, dp.ext. According to FED-STD-H28/2B, the thread shear area for an external thread is calculated by:

The shear stress in the external threads is calculated by:

where Fb.t is the total tensile force on the bolt, accounting for preload and the portion of the applied tensile load carried by the bolt.

The factor of safety on external thread shear with respect to the shear yield strength, Ssy of the thread material is calculated by:

The shear yield strength can typically by estimated as 0.577·Sty. The 0.577 value corresponds to the reciprocal of the √3 term that appears in the von Mises failure criterion. See Barrett for more details on estimates of shear allowables.

Internal Thread Shear

Internal thread shear is calculated in a similar manner as external thread shear. According to FED-STD-H28/2B, the thread shear area for an internal thread is calculated by:

where is the pitch diameter of the internal thread and LE is the length of thread engagement, which is calculated in the same manner as for the external thread shear.

The shear stress in the internal threads is calculated by:

The factor of safety on internal thread shear with respect to the shear yield strength of the thread material is calculated by:

Clamped Part Stresses

Failure of the clamped parts must be investigated when analyzing a bolted joint. There are several principal failure mechanisms for the clamped parts which are described in the following sections.

Pull Through

The tensile force applied to the joint will act to pull the parts above the location of the applied force through one another. In the figure below, the bolt head will act to pull through Washer 1, Washer 1 will act to pull through Plate 1, the Washer 2 will act to pull through Plate 2, and the nut will act to pull through Washer 2.

The relevant equations are:

Area Stress Factor of Safety

Apt = πdotp

In the table above, do is the outer diameter of the part pulling through, tp is the thickness of the part being considered, is the applied tensile force, and Ssy is the shear yield strength of the material for the part being considered.

The shear yield strength can typically by estimated as 0.577·Sty. The 0.577 value corresponds to the reciprocal of the √3 term that appears in the von Mises failure criterion. See Barrett for more details on estimates of shear allowables.


The preload force will act to cause each part to bear on the adjacent parts. For example, in the previous figure the bolt head and Washer 1 will bear against one another, as will Washer 1 and Plate 1.

Area Stress Factor of Safety

In the table above, do.min is the minimum outer diameter of the two parts bearing against one another, dh is the through-hole diameter of the part being considered, and Sby is the bearing yield strength of the part being considered. The bearing yield strength can typically by estimated as 1.5·Sty. See Barrett for more details on estimates of bearing allowables.

Fbear is the bearing force. The value for the bearing force on a surface depends on the location of that surface with respect to the location of the applied tensile force in the joint. In the p revious figure, Surface 3 is inside of the applied tensile force locations, and so that surface does not experience an increase due to the applied force. However, Surfaces 1, 2, 4, and 5 are all outside of the applied force locations and do experience an increase. If the bearing surface is inside of the applied force locations, then the maximum bearing force that surface experiences is simply the preload force. If the bearing surface is outside of the applied force locations, then the bearing force is increased by the applied force and the maximum bearing force experienced by that surface is equal to the tensile force in the bolt.

Pin Bearing

If the joint is loaded in shear, then the bolt may be pressed against the inner walls of the through-holes in the clamped parts.

Area Stress Factor of Safety

Apb = dnomtp

In the table above, dnom is the bolt nominal diameter, tp is the part thickness, is the applied shear force, and Sby is the bearing yield strength of the material. The bearing yield strength can typically by estimated as 1.5·Sty. See Barrett for more details on estimates of bearing allowables.

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Hardware Sizes: Unified Inch Screw Thread

The tables for inch thread hardware have been moved here.

Hardware Sizes: Metric Screw Thread

The tables for metric thread hardware have been moved here.

Maximum Bending Moment on Bolt

The maximum bending moment on a bolt is given by:

Mb = Fs a / 2

where Fs is the applied shear force and a is the moment arm.

A bolt can be modeled as a fixed-guided beam (i.e., a beam with a fixed boundary condition at one end and a guided boundary condition at the other end). In the model below, the left end of the bolt is fixed (all degrees of freedom fixed) and the right end is guided (rotation and x-translation are fixed, but free to translate in y). A shear force of 100 lbf is applied to the right end.

The Free Body Diagram (FBD) and deformed mesh for this case are shown below. If the model above were a cantilever beam, the moment due to the applied force would be taken entirely at the single fixed end. However, because the model is fixed against rotation at both ends, the moment is shared between the two ends of the bolt.

The Shear-Moment Diagram for this case is shown below:

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General References:

Specifications and Standards:

  1. ASME B1.1, "Unified Inch Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form)," The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, .
  2. ASME B18.2.1, "Square, Hex, Heavy Hex, and Askew Head Bolts and Hex, Heavy Hex, Hex Flange, Lobed Head, and Lag Screws (Inch Series)," The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, .
  3. ASME B18.2.2, "Nuts for General Applications: Machine Screw Nuts, Hex, Square, Hex Flange, and Coupling Nuts (Inch Series)," The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, .
  4. ASME B18.2.8, "Clearance Holes for Bolts, Screws, and Studs," The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, .
  5. ASME B18.21.1, "Washers: Helical Spring-Lock, Tooth Lock, and Plain Washers (Inch Series)," The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, .
  6. FED-STD-H28/2B, "Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services," Federal Standard, .

Top 10 Questions OEMs Need to Answer for Rivet Nut ...

There is an Expansive Variety of OEM Rivet Nut Applications:

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  • Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) System Assembly
  • Helicopter Assembly
  • Machine Tool Assembly
  • Medical Equipment Assembly
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For nearly 100 years, OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers) have been finding more and more ways to incorporate this fastener into Rivet Nut Applications. The rivet nut is the PERFECT solution for thin parent materials that need to gain superior thread strength for secondary attachment abilities.

Let&#;s go over the Top 10 Questions you&#;ll need to answer before designing in a rivet nut or obtaining a rivet nut quote:

1. What size thread is needed for your application?

Typically, you have a strength requirement or a mating bolt already picked out. Listed below is every CATALOG thread size, and Rivet Nut USA stocks them all! If you don&#;t see your thread size below, then prepare yourself for a larger order minimum with a longer manufacturing leadtime!

Standard/Unified Rivet Nut Thread Sizes: 4-40 (440), 6-32 (632), 8-32 (832), 10-32 (), 10-24 (), 1/4-20 (), 1/4-28 (), 5/16-18 (), 5/16-24 (), 3/8-16 (), 3/8-24 (), 1/2-13 () and 1/2-20 ()

Metric Rivnut® Thread Sizes: M3, M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 and M12

2. What is the thickness of your parent application material?

The material thickness is of CRITICAL IMPORTANCE, the thicker the material, the longer the rivet nut you need. Each rivet nut has a &#;grip range&#;, the grip range defines the minimum and maximum material thickness that rivet nut can &#;grip&#;.

If you have a thick 3/8&#; inch steel plate, you can install a tiny light-duty 6-32 thread or a heavy duty 1/2-13 thread, but both the 6-32 and 1/2-13 will need to have a longer-than-average shank length to accommodate your thicker material. Rivet nuts typically can grip material thicknesses between 0.010&#; up to 0.500&#; thick, but no one rivet nut can cover that entire range!

3. What type of material do you want the fastener made of?

Rivet Nut USA carries blind nut inserts made of Steel (typically /), Stainless Steel (typically 400 series, such as 430), Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel (typically 300 series, such as 302HQ/304/316), Aluminum (typically or ) and Brass.

4. What type of finishing or plating (corrosion resistance) do you need on your blind fastener?

Stainless Steel, Aluminum or Brass: Typically, users won&#;t won&#;t seek additional plating as these materials already offer natural corrosion resistance. 300 series stainless is typically called out for use in food grade applications. Users may select to anodize the aluminum, but not always.

Steel: Common practice today is for users to plate with a zinc clear (-ZK or -ZNR) or yellow coloring (-ZY or -ZYR), which is RoHs & trivalent chromated. In the past, before environmental impacts were well understood, cadmium (-CSI) was used, which is non-Rohs & hexavalent chromated. For higher volume automotive/agriculture applications, it&#;s not uncommon to see a zinc nickel (-ZnNi) call-out, which can provide over 1,000 salt spray hours to red rust (and more to white rust)! For any type of plating, salt spray testing is available (additional charge with additional leadtime).

5. What body/shank style on the rivet nut is required for your application?

Rivnut® fasteners come in the original thick-wall round body, thin-wall round body, full-hex body, thin-wall half-hex body, Straight/Regular Plusnut® & Pre-Bulb Plusnut®.

The body style dictates the hole diameter and hole type (round or hex hole). Hex bodies help increase spin-out resistance, so you need to plan on lasering in the hex hole in your upfront design.  Thick-wall rivet nuts provides overall stronger performance characteristics, while the thin-wall rivet nuts still have amazing performance standards at a lower price point. Plusnuts® provide strong pull-out and push-through performance standards, especially in soft plastic applications.

6. What style of head will work best for your application?

Typical head options: flat/standard head, countersunk head, hex head and thin head (also called &#;low profile&#;, sometimes good enough with avoiding the need to perform a countersinking operation).

Less typical head options: super- or extra-thin head, wedge head, race-track oval Plusnut® head or square head.

7. Do you want an open-end or closed-end at the bottom of the rivet nut body shank?

Open-end: most common, as it allows the mating bolt to thread all the way through the rivet nut. An open-end also less costly.

Closed-end: typically designed into specific applications that need to keep external elements out of the application, like a watertight application. Closed-end costs a bit more than open-end and are less commonly in stock.

8. Uncommon Specialty Design Features Needed?

If not, skip this question. If special features are needed, then please review below and understand that while specialty design features can create your &#;perfect solution&#;, they will typically add minimum order requirements with non-stock longer manufacturing leadtimes.

  • Knurling on the body shank: The knurls, if properly installed, may increase spin out resistance. If looking to increase spin out resistance and you can laser in a hex hole, then opt for the hex body rivet nut for ultimate spin out resistance. Knurling does come as &#;standard&#; feature on certain thin-wall rivet nuts.
  • Plastic seals under head: Various sealing options under the head can help keep out unwanted external matter (liquids, water, dust, air, chemicals, etc) from seeping under the rivet nut head into your application.
  • Keyed Projection Under the Head: This is an early method of increasing spin-out resistance, especially before better manufacturing technology came along for the now more commonly used hex body rivet nuts. A tiny bump or projection under the head would slide into (or mate with) with a small keyway cut into the hole. These are still regularly used in military or aerospace applications that have design requirements that are proven to work or difficult to change.

9. How many blind nutserts do you require for your Rivet Nut Applications?

Rivet Nut USA is happy to serve all customers, from low volume sprinter van enthusiasts to high volume automotive tier one suppliers. We offer commonly stocked fasteners in any quantity (even 1 qty!), and we also supply large Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) that use 100,000&#;s in high production rate environments. The more nutserts that you need, the better quantity discount that we are able to offer. We are happy to take blanket orders for just-in-time delivery, which minimizes leadtime and increases your working capital by keeping inventory on OUR shelf, rather than YOUR shelf.

10. Have you answered the first 9 questions?

If so, then you are ready to select your rivet nut! Take a look at our website and catalogs to select your perfect rivet nut, then give us a call or send us an , we&#;d love to get you a quote!

11. And as a bonus question, users need to consider what is the best installation tool that will achieve the needed production requirements?

Rivet Nut USA is the leading supplier of battle tested, long lasting, dependable nutsert installation tools. Whether you require a field service hand tool or a high production rate pneumatic tool, Rivet Nut USA is here to help. Check out our tool page, or send us an , or give us a call and we will get you the best tool for your production requirements.

Congratulations!!! You just successfully found a rivet nut and selected the best installation tool that will support your design and production needs. Please contact one of our sales engineers today &#; we would love to discuss, quote and supply your Rivet Nut Application requirements. Rivet Nut USA can also supply you with other hardware, tools, accessories and fasteners.

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