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Achromatic lens

Author: Geoff

May. 27, 2024

Achromatic lens

Lens that is designed to limit the effects of chromatic and spherical aberration

Achromatic lens

Lens that is designed to limit the effects of chromatic and spherical aberration

"Achromat" redirects here. For form of color blindness, see achromatopsia

Chromatic aberration of a single lens causes different wavelengths of light to have differing focal lengths. An achromatic doublet brings red and blue light to the same focus, and is the earliest example of an achromatic lensachromatic lens. In an achromatic lens, two wavelengths are brought into the same focus, here red and blue.

An achromatic lens or achromat is a lens that is designed to limit the effects of chromatic and spherical aberration. Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths (typically red and blue) into focus on the same plane. Wavelengths in between these two then have better focus error than could be obtained with a simple lens.

The most common type of achromat is the achromatic doublet, which is composed of two individual lenses made from glasses with different amounts of dispersion. Typically, one element is a negative (concave) element made out of flint glass such as F2, which has relatively high dispersion, and the other is a positive (convex) element made of crown glass such as BK7, which has lower dispersion. The lens elements are mounted next to each other, often cemented together, and shaped so that the chromatic aberration of one is counterbalanced by that of the other.

In the most common type (shown), the positive power of the crown lens element is not quite equalled by the negative power of the flint lens element. Together they form a weak positive lens that will bring two different wavelengths of light to a common focus. Negative doublets, in which the negative-power element predominates, are also made.





Theoretical considerations of the feasibility of correcting chromatic aberration were debated in the 18th century following Newton's statement that such a correction was impossible (see History of the telescope). Credit for the invention of the first achromatic doublet is often given to an English barrister and amateur optician named Chester Moore Hall.[1][2] Hall wished to keep his work on the achromatic lenses a secret and contracted the manufacture of the crown and flint lenses to two different opticians, Edward Scarlett and James Mann.[3][4][5] They in turn sub-contracted the work to the same person, George Bass. He realized the two components were for the same client and, after fitting the two parts together, noted the achromatic properties. Hall used the achromatic lens to build the first achromatic telescope, but his invention did not become widely known at the time.[6]

In the late s, Bass mentioned Hall's lenses to John Dollond, who understood their potential and was able to reproduce their design.[2] Dollond applied for and was granted a patent on the technology in , which led to bitter fights with other opticians over the right to make and sell achromatic doublets.

Dollond's son Peter invented the apochromat, an improvement on the achromat, in .[2]





Several different types of achromat have been devised. They differ in the shape of the included lens elements as well as in the optical properties of their glass (most notably in their optical dispersion or Abbe number).

In the following, R denotes the radius of the spheres that define the optically relevant refracting lens surfaces. By convention, R1 denotes the first lens surface counted from the object. A doublet lens has four surfaces with radii R1 through R2 . Surfaces with positive radii curve away from the object (R1 positive is a convex first surface); negative radii curve toward the object (R1 negative is a concave first surface).

The descriptions of the achromat lens designs mention advantages of designs that do not produce "ghost" images. Historically, this was indeed a driving concern for lens makers up to the 19th century and a primary criterion for early optical designs. However, in the mid 20th century, the development of advanced optical coatings for the most part has eliminated the issue of ghost images, and modern optical designs are preferred for other merits.

Littrow doublet




Uses an equiconvex crown glass lens (i.e. R1 > 0 with &#;R1 = R2 ) and a complementary-curved second flint glass lens (with R3 = R2 ). The back of the flint glass lens is flat ( R4 = &#; ). A Littrow doublet can produce a ghost image between R2 and R3 because the lens surfaces of the two lenses have the same radii.

Fraunhofer doublet (Fraunhofer objective)




The first lens has positive refractive power, the second negative. R1 > 0 is set greater than &#;R2 , and R3 is set close to, but not quite equal to, &#;R2 . R4 is usually greater than &#;R3 . In a Fraunhofer doublet, the dissimilar curvatures of &#;R2 and R3 are mounted close, but not quite in contact.[7] This design yields more degrees of freedom (one more free radius, length of the air space) to correct for optical aberrations.

Clark doublet




Early Clark lenses follow the Fraunhofer design. After the late s, they changed to the Littrow design, approximately equiconvex crown, R1 = R2 , and a flint with R3 &#; R2 and R4 &#; R3 . By about , Clark lenses had R3 set slightly shorter than R2 to create a focus mismatch between R2 and R3, thereby avoiding ghosting caused by reflections within the airspace.[8]

Oil-spaced doublet




The use of oil between the crown and flint eliminates the effect of ghosting, particularly where R2 &#; R3 . It can also increase light transmission slightly and reduce the impact of errors in R2 and R3 .

Steinheil doublet




The Steinheil doublet, devised by Carl August von Steinheil, is a flint-first doublet. In contrast to the Fraunhofer doublet, it has a negative lens first followed by a positive lens. It needs stronger curvature than the Fraunhofer doublet.[9]





Dialyte lenses have a wide air space between the two elements. They were originally devised in the 19th century to allow much smaller flint glass elements down stream since flint glass was hard to produce and expensive.[10] They are also lenses where the elements can not be cemented because R2 and R3 have different absolute values.[11]





The first-order design of an achromat involves choosing the overall power   1   f d b l t     {\displaystyle \ {\frac {1}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}\ } of the doublet and the two glasses to use. The choice of glass gives the mean refractive index, often written as n d {\displaystyle n_{d}} (for the refractive index at the Fraunhofer "d" spectral line wavelength), and the Abbe number V {\displaystyle V} (for the reciprocal of the glass dispersion). To make the linear dispersion of the system zero, the system must satisfy the equations

1   f 1   + 1   f 2   = 1   f d b l t     , 1   f 1   V 1   + 1   f 2   V 2   = 0   ; {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\frac {1}{\ f_{1}\ }}+{\frac {1}{\ f_{2}\ }}&={\frac {1}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}\ ,\\{\frac {1}{\ f_{1}\ V_{1}\ }}+{\frac {1}{\ f_{2}\ V_{2}\ }}&=0\ ;\end{aligned}}}

where the lens power is   1   f     {\displaystyle \ {\frac {1}{\ f\ }}\ } for a lens with focal length f {\displaystyle f} . Solving these two equations for   f 1   {\displaystyle \ f_{1}\ } and   f 2   {\displaystyle \ f_{2}\ } gives

f 1   f d b l t   = + V 1 &#; V 2 V 1   {\displaystyle {\frac {f_{1}}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}={\frac {+V_{1}-V_{2}\;}{V_{1}}}\ }

  f 2   f d b l t   = &#; V 1 + V 2 V 2   . {\displaystyle \ {\frac {f_{2}}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}={\frac {-V_{1}+V_{2}\;}{V_{2}}}~.}

Since   f 1 = &#; f 2     V 2   V 1   , {\displaystyle \ f_{1}=-f_{2}\ {\frac {\ V_{2}\ }{V_{1}}}\ ,} and the Abbe numbers are positive-valued, the power of the second element in the doublet is negative when the first element is positive, and vice-versa.

Removing other aberrations




Optical aberrations other than just color are present in all lenses. For example, coma remains after spherical and chromatic aberrations are corrected. In order to correct other aberrations, the front and back curvatures of each of the two lenses remain free parameters, since the color correction design only prescribes the net focal length of each lens,   f 1   {\displaystyle \ f_{1}\ } and separately   f 2   . {\displaystyle \ f_{2}~.} This leaves a continuum of different combinations of front and back lens curvatures for design tweaks (   R 1   {\displaystyle \ R_{1}\ } and   R 2   {\displaystyle \ R_{2}\ } for lens 1; and   R 3   {\displaystyle \ R_{3}\ } and   R 4   {\displaystyle \ R_{4}\ } for lens 2) that will all produce the same   f 1   {\displaystyle \ f_{1}\ } and   f 2   {\displaystyle \ f_{2}\ } required by the achromat design. Other adjustable lens parameters include the thickness of each lens and the space between the two, all constrained only by the two required focal lengths. Normally, the free parameters are adjusted to minimize non-color-related optical aberrations.

Further color correction




Focus error for four types of lens, over the visible and near infrared spectrum.

Lens designs more complex than achromatic can improve the precision of color images by bringing more wavelengths into exact focus, but require more expensive types of glass, and more careful shaping and spacing of the combination of simple lenses:

apochromatic lenses
bring three wavelengths into a common focus and requires costly materials
superachromatic lenses
bring four wavelengths into focus and must be manufactured with even more expensive fluoride glass and to considerably tighter tolerances

In theory, the process can continue indefinitely: Compound lenses used in cameras typically have six or more simple lenses (e.g. double-Gauss lens); several of those lenses can be made with different types of glass, with slightly altered curvatures, in order to bring more colors into focus. The constraint is extra manufacturing cost, and diminishing returns of improved image for the effort.

See also








  • Achromatic lenses at Wikimedia Commons

Advantage Of Achromatic Lens?

An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index  element and a negative high-index element. In comparison to a singlet lens, or singlet for short, which only consists of a single piece of glass, the additional design freedom provided by using a doublet design allows for further optimization of performance. Therefore, an achromatic lens will have noticeable advantages over a comparable diameter and focal length singlet.

An achromatic lens comes in a variety of configurations, most notably, positive, negative, triplet, and aspherized. It is important to note that it can be a doublet or triplet; the number of elements is not related to the number of rays for which it corrects. In other words, an achromatic lens designed for visible wavelengths corrects for red and blue, independent of it being a doublet or triplet configuration.




Exploring an Aspherized Achromatic Lens
A new technology linking the superior image quality of an aspheric lens with the precision color correction in an achromatic lens is here. An aspherized achromatic lens is cost-effective featuring excellent correction for both chromatic and spherical aberrations, creating an economical way to meet the stringent imaging demands of today's optical and visual systems. Relays, condensing systems, high numerical aperture imaging systems, and beam expanders are a few examples of lens designs that could improve with the aid of an aspherized achromatic lens.

An aspherized achromatic lens is composed of glass optical lens elements bonded with a photosensitive polymer. The polymer is applied only on one face of the doublet and is easy to replicate in a short amount of time while providing the flexibility associated with typical multi-element components. Unlike a glass element however, an aspherized achromatic lens has a smaller operating temperature range, -20°C to 80°C. This temperature range also limits the possibility of Anti-Reflection (AR) Coatings on the aspherized achromat surface. The aspherized achromatic lens material blocks Deep-UV (DUV) transmission, making it unsuitable for some applications. Though not scratch resistant, the lens is cost-effective and simple to replace. The benefits of the technology remain substantial.

Improved Polychromatic Imaging
An achromatic lens is far superior to a simple lens for multi-color "white light" imaging. The two elements composing an achromatic lens are paired together for their ability to correct the color separation inherent in glass. Having eliminated the problematic chromatic aberrations, an achromatic lens becomes the most cost-efficient means for good polychromatic illumination and imaging.

Correction of Spherical Aberration and On-Axis Coma
Freedom from spherical aberration and coma implies better on-axis performance at larger apertures. Unlike a simple lens, an achromatic lens provides consistently smaller spot sizes and superior images without decreasing the clear aperture.

Brighter Images and Better Energy Throughput
Because on-axis performance of an achromatic lens will not deteriorate with larger clear apertures, "stopping down" the optical system becomes unnecessary. "Stopping down" the aperture refers to reducing its size, for example via a pinhole or iris diaphragm, in order to improve overall performance. With the entire clear aperture utilized, an achromatic lens and achromatic lens systems are faster, more efficient, and more powerful than equivalent systems using singlet lenses.

"Achromat" redirects here. For form of color blindness, see achromatopsia

Chromatic aberration of a single lens causes different wavelengths of light to have differing focal lengths. An achromatic doublet brings red and blue light to the same focus, and is the earliest example of an achromatic lens. In an achromatic lens, two wavelengths are brought into the same focus, here red and blue.

An achromatic lens or achromat is a lens that is designed to limit the effects of chromatic and spherical aberration. Achromatic lenses are corrected to bring two wavelengths (typically red and blue) into focus on the same plane. Wavelengths in between these two then have better focus error than could be obtained with a simple lens.

The most common type of achromat is the achromatic doublet, which is composed of two individual lenses made from glasses with different amounts of dispersion. Typically, one element is a negative (concave) element made out of flint glass such as F2, which has relatively high dispersion, and the other is a positive (convex) element made of crown glass such as BK7, which has lower dispersion. The lens elements are mounted next to each other, often cemented together, and shaped so that the chromatic aberration of one is counterbalanced by that of the other.

In the most common type (shown), the positive power of the crown lens element is not quite equalled by the negative power of the flint lens element. Together they form a weak positive lens that will bring two different wavelengths of light to a common focus. Negative doublets, in which the negative-power element predominates, are also made.





Theoretical considerations of the feasibility of correcting chromatic aberration were debated in the 18th century following Newton's statement that such a correction was impossible (see History of the telescope). Credit for the invention of the first achromatic doublet is often given to an English barrister and amateur optician named Chester Moore Hall.[1][2] Hall wished to keep his work on the achromatic lenses a secret and contracted the manufacture of the crown and flint lenses to two different opticians, Edward Scarlett and James Mann.[3][4][5] They in turn sub-contracted the work to the same person, George Bass. He realized the two components were for the same client and, after fitting the two parts together, noted the achromatic properties. Hall used the achromatic lens to build the first achromatic telescope, but his invention did not become widely known at the time.[6]

In the late s, Bass mentioned Hall's lenses to John Dollond, who understood their potential and was able to reproduce their design.[2] Dollond applied for and was granted a patent on the technology in , which led to bitter fights with other opticians over the right to make and sell achromatic doublets.

Dollond's son Peter invented the apochromat, an improvement on the achromat, in .[2]





Several different types of achromat have been devised. They differ in the shape of the included lens elements as well as in the optical properties of their glass (most notably in their optical dispersion or Abbe number).

In the following, R denotes the radius of the spheres that define the optically relevant refracting lens surfaces. By convention, R1 denotes the first lens surface counted from the object. A doublet lens has four surfaces with radii R1 through R2 . Surfaces with positive radii curve away from the object (R1 positive is a convex first surface); negative radii curve toward the object (R1 negative is a concave first surface).

The descriptions of the achromat lens designs mention advantages of designs that do not produce "ghost" images. Historically, this was indeed a driving concern for lens makers up to the 19th century and a primary criterion for early optical designs. However, in the mid 20th century, the development of advanced optical coatings for the most part has eliminated the issue of ghost images, and modern optical designs are preferred for other merits.

Littrow doublet




Uses an equiconvex crown glass lens (i.e. R1 > 0 with &#;R1 = R2 ) and a complementary-curved second flint glass lens (with R3 = R2 ). The back of the flint glass lens is flat ( R4 = &#; ). A Littrow doublet can produce a ghost image between R2 and R3 because the lens surfaces of the two lenses have the same radii.

Fraunhofer doublet (Fraunhofer objective)




The first lens has positive refractive power, the second negative. R1 > 0 is set greater than &#;R2 , and R3 is set close to, but not quite equal to, &#;R2 . R4 is usually greater than &#;R3 . In a Fraunhofer doublet, the dissimilar curvatures of &#;R2 and R3 are mounted close, but not quite in contact.[7] This design yields more degrees of freedom (one more free radius, length of the air space) to correct for optical aberrations.

Clark doublet




Early Clark lenses follow the Fraunhofer design. After the late s, they changed to the Littrow design, approximately equiconvex crown, R1 = R2 , and a flint with R3 &#; R2 and R4 &#; R3 . By about , Clark lenses had R3 set slightly shorter than R2 to create a focus mismatch between R2 and R3, thereby avoiding ghosting caused by reflections within the airspace.[8]

Oil-spaced doublet




The use of oil between the crown and flint eliminates the effect of ghosting, particularly where R2 &#; R3 . It can also increase light transmission slightly and reduce the impact of errors in R2 and R3 .

Steinheil doublet




The Steinheil doublet, devised by Carl August von Steinheil, is a flint-first doublet. In contrast to the Fraunhofer doublet, it has a negative lens first followed by a positive lens. It needs stronger curvature than the Fraunhofer doublet.[9]



For more information, please visit Achromatic Lenses.



Dialyte lenses have a wide air space between the two elements. They were originally devised in the 19th century to allow much smaller flint glass elements down stream since flint glass was hard to produce and expensive.[10] They are also lenses where the elements can not be cemented because R2 and R3 have different absolute values.[11]





The first-order design of an achromat involves choosing the overall power   1   f d b l t     {\displaystyle \ {\frac {1}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}\ } of the doublet and the two glasses to use. The choice of glass gives the mean refractive index, often written as n d {\displaystyle n_{d}} (for the refractive index at the Fraunhofer "d" spectral line wavelength), and the Abbe number V {\displaystyle V} (for the reciprocal of the glass dispersion). To make the linear dispersion of the system zero, the system must satisfy the equations

1   f 1   + 1   f 2   = 1   f d b l t     , 1   f 1   V 1   + 1   f 2   V 2   = 0   ; {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}{\frac {1}{\ f_{1}\ }}+{\frac {1}{\ f_{2}\ }}&={\frac {1}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}\ ,\\{\frac {1}{\ f_{1}\ V_{1}\ }}+{\frac {1}{\ f_{2}\ V_{2}\ }}&=0\ ;\end{aligned}}}

where the lens power is   1   f     {\displaystyle \ {\frac {1}{\ f\ }}\ } for a lens with focal length f {\displaystyle f} . Solving these two equations for   f 1   {\displaystyle \ f_{1}\ } and   f 2   {\displaystyle \ f_{2}\ } gives

f 1   f d b l t   = + V 1 &#; V 2 V 1   {\displaystyle {\frac {f_{1}}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}={\frac {+V_{1}-V_{2}\;}{V_{1}}}\ }

  f 2   f d b l t   = &#; V 1 + V 2 V 2   . {\displaystyle \ {\frac {f_{2}}{\ f_{\mathsf {dblt}}\ }}={\frac {-V_{1}+V_{2}\;}{V_{2}}}~.}

Since   f 1 = &#; f 2     V 2   V 1   , {\displaystyle \ f_{1}=-f_{2}\ {\frac {\ V_{2}\ }{V_{1}}}\ ,} and the Abbe numbers are positive-valued, the power of the second element in the doublet is negative when the first element is positive, and vice-versa.

Removing other aberrations




Optical aberrations other than just color are present in all lenses. For example, coma remains after spherical and chromatic aberrations are corrected. In order to correct other aberrations, the front and back curvatures of each of the two lenses remain free parameters, since the color correction design only prescribes the net focal length of each lens,   f 1   {\displaystyle \ f_{1}\ } and separately   f 2   . {\displaystyle \ f_{2}~.} This leaves a continuum of different combinations of front and back lens curvatures for design tweaks (   R 1   {\displaystyle \ R_{1}\ } and   R 2   {\displaystyle \ R_{2}\ } for lens 1; and   R 3   {\displaystyle \ R_{3}\ } and   R 4   {\displaystyle \ R_{4}\ } for lens 2) that will all produce the same   f 1   {\displaystyle \ f_{1}\ } and   f 2   {\displaystyle \ f_{2}\ } required by the achromat design. Other adjustable lens parameters include the thickness of each lens and the space between the two, all constrained only by the two required focal lengths. Normally, the free parameters are adjusted to minimize non-color-related optical aberrations.

Further color correction




Focus error for four types of lens, over the visible and near infrared spectrum.

Lens designs more complex than achromatic can improve the precision of color images by bringing more wavelengths into exact focus, but require more expensive types of glass, and more careful shaping and spacing of the combination of simple lenses:

apochromatic lenses
bring three wavelengths into a common focus and requires costly materials
superachromatic lenses
bring four wavelengths into focus and must be manufactured with even more expensive fluoride glass and to considerably tighter tolerances

In theory, the process can continue indefinitely: Compound lenses used in cameras typically have six or more simple lenses (e.g. double-Gauss lens); several of those lenses can be made with different types of glass, with slightly altered curvatures, in order to bring more colors into focus. The constraint is extra manufacturing cost, and diminishing returns of improved image for the effort.

See also








  • Achromatic lenses at Wikimedia Commons

Advantage Of Achromatic Lens?

An achromatic lens, also referred to as an achromat, typically consists of two optical components cemented together, usually a positive low-index  element and a negative high-index element. In comparison to a singlet lens, or singlet for short, which only consists of a single piece of glass, the additional design freedom provided by using a doublet design allows for further optimization of performance. Therefore, an achromatic lens will have noticeable advantages over a comparable diameter and focal length singlet.

An achromatic lens comes in a variety of configurations, most notably, positive, negative, triplet, and aspherized. It is important to note that it can be a doublet or triplet; the number of elements is not related to the number of rays for which it corrects. In other words, an achromatic lens designed for visible wavelengths corrects for red and blue, independent of it being a doublet or triplet configuration.




Exploring an Aspherized Achromatic Lens
A new technology linking the superior image quality of an aspheric lens with the precision color correction in an achromatic lens is here. An aspherized achromatic lens is cost-effective featuring excellent correction for both chromatic and spherical aberrations, creating an economical way to meet the stringent imaging demands of today's optical and visual systems. Relays, condensing systems, high numerical aperture imaging systems, and beam expanders are a few examples of lens designs that could improve with the aid of an aspherized achromatic lens.

An aspherized achromatic lens is composed of glass optical lens elements bonded with a photosensitive polymer. The polymer is applied only on one face of the doublet and is easy to replicate in a short amount of time while providing the flexibility associated with typical multi-element components. Unlike a glass element however, an aspherized achromatic lens has a smaller operating temperature range, -20°C to 80°C. This temperature range also limits the possibility of Anti-Reflection (AR) Coatings on the aspherized achromat surface. The aspherized achromatic lens material blocks Deep-UV (DUV) transmission, making it unsuitable for some applications. Though not scratch resistant, the lens is cost-effective and simple to replace. The benefits of the technology remain substantial.

Improved Polychromatic Imaging
An achromatic lens is far superior to a simple lens for multi-color "white light" imaging. The two elements composing an achromatic lens are paired together for their ability to correct the color separation inherent in glass. Having eliminated the problematic chromatic aberrations, an achromatic lens becomes the most cost-efficient means for good polychromatic illumination and imaging.

Correction of Spherical Aberration and On-Axis Coma
Freedom from spherical aberration and coma implies better on-axis performance at larger apertures. Unlike a simple lens, an achromatic lens provides consistently smaller spot sizes and superior images without decreasing the clear aperture.

Brighter Images and Better Energy Throughput
Because on-axis performance of an achromatic lens will not deteriorate with larger clear apertures, "stopping down" the optical system becomes unnecessary. "Stopping down" the aperture refers to reducing its size, for example via a pinhole or iris diaphragm, in order to improve overall performance. With the entire clear aperture utilized, an achromatic lens and achromatic lens systems are faster, more efficient, and more powerful than equivalent systems using singlet lenses.

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