10 Ways to Repurpose Cosmetic Containers

Author: Morgan

Dec. 16, 2024

10 Ways to Repurpose Cosmetic Containers

It&#;s no secret how we&#;ve been head over heels in love with everything make up, cruelty-free, organic, and natural! Unfortunately, while most of us seek to reduce our carbon footprint, we tend to neglect the fancy containers that came with our stash.

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If you&#;re a makeup junkie like us, you know how easy it is to accumulate a mountain of makeup bottles and bric a brac. But finding new uses doesn&#;t just save you money, it saves the environment too! Here&#;s how to repurpose your old makeup containers.

10 Ways to Repurpose Cosmetic Containers 

#1: Store Bobby Pins in Old Lip Balm Containers

Recycling old makeup containers, cosmetic containers, and other types of receptacles is a piece of cake. Got old lip balm containers? How about bobby pins that seem to disappear the moment you buy them? Then an old lip balm tube can do the trick. Simply slip in and store.

#2: Store Hair Elastics, Earnings, and Other Jewelry in Compact Containers That Have a Mirror

Think empty compacts are hard to recycle? Think again! One way to repurpose this makeup container is by using it to store hair elastics, earrings, and other jewelry. Its small enough to slip into your purse for a girls&#; night out yet big enough to contain the tiny essentials for travel.

#3: Turn Perfume Bottles into Vases

We tend to accumulate empty perfume bottles simply because they&#;re too cute (and too pricey) to part with! So why throw them away? Repurpose these old cosmetic containers into vases and it becomes an elegant piece of home décor.

#4: Make Travel-Sized Containers

Lessen your trips to the dollar store by repurposing cosmetic containers into travel-sized receptacles. An old face powder pot can carry three oz. of moisturizer.

#5: Turn Shampoo Bottles into a Brush Holder

Shampoo bottles are the most versatile of containers. It can lengthen short faucets or be reincarnated as a scoop. Our favorite reincarnation is as brush holder. Cut an empty shampoo bottle a few inches from the bottom. Dull the cut edges, and voila! A holder for makeup brushes!

#6: Turn Any Old Compact Containers into a Perfume Holder

Go retro and store a solid perfume disc in an empty compact. Or you can make your own with this recipe:

  • 1 TBSP carrier oil (around 14.5 grams)
  • 2 tsp beeswax pellets (6 grams)
  • 35-40 drops essential oil
  1. Place the carrier oil and beeswax on a glass bowl over a small saucepan filled with water. Allow to fully melt.

  2. Pour the liquified oil into a clean, empty compact and let cool for two minutes.

  3. Gently stir the essential oil into the liquified carrier oil and beeswax mixture.

As the perfume matures, the scent intensifies. To apply, rub a clean finger across the solid perfume and apply to wrists. Perfume will keep for 12 months.

#7: Use Larger Makeup Containers to Put Together a D.I.Y. Sewing Kit

Our favorite hotel freebies are those nifty sewing kits that seem to contain everything! Make your own with repurposed makeup containers! Loose powder receptacles or even large eye makeup containers can hold sewing essentials such as tiny scissors, a few pins, safety pins, needles and a variety of different colored threads.

#8: Keep Pills in Old Lipsticks

Like how? Simply scrape out remaining lipstick debris and pop in your dose for the day. Old lipsticks make gorgeous repurposed makeup containers and are great substitutes for those boring and bulky pillboxes.

#9: Turn Jars into Beautiful "Pots" for Your Plants

Tiny plant jars are making a come back. Makeup containers as tiny as ink jars or even egg shells are perfect. Simply fill with potting mix, moss, miniature forget-me-nots or violas. Opt for plants with tiny roots and water regularly. Who would&#;ve thought that little pot of gel liner could be so versatile!

#10: Use Old Domestic Containers for Your D.I.Y. Skincare Creations

Taking your recycling efforts to the next level? Forget pricey receptacles. Use what you got. If you make your own skin care cleansers (ex: homemade apple cider toners, DIY facial wash, and facial oil moisturizers), up the recycling ante by using your empty gorgeous makeup containers.

Don&#;t Want to Repurpose? Recycle!

Strictly speaking, Repurposing (adapting for a different purpose) isn&#;t for everything and everyone. Some containers (such as those for nail polish) are not easy to repurpose because of nail enamel&#;s toxic qualities and harmful chemicals.

Which leaves us to recycling&#; recycling is the process of converting whatever waste into reusable material.

What are the benefits of recycling? We know the drill&#; it reduces the waste sent to landfills, saves energy, conserves natural resources, and prevents pollution by reducing the need for new raw materials&#; it&#;s a herculean effort that needs everyone&#;s collaboration.

Fortunately, some of the world&#;s best-known brands have thought this through. Here are brands that have taken their recycling efforts several notches higher:

  1. AVEDA &#; Aveda in collaboration with recycling company, g2 Revolution, allows customers to bring in Aveda packaging and accessories to stores. At least 85% of Aveda&#;s hair care PET bottles and jars contain fully (post-consumer) recycled materials.
  2. LE LABO FRAGRANCES &#; Customers are given 20% off if they return for a refill.
  3. MAC &#; MAC accepts their primary packaging through the Back-to-M.A.C. Program. When you return 6 MAC primary packaging containers to any MAC counter or MAC Cosmetics online, you get a free MAC lipstick of your choice.
  4. GARNIER &#; With TerraCycle as partner, Garnier accepts Garnier empties (bottles, bottle caps, hair gel tubes, hairspray triggers) with free shipping.
  5. TENOVERTEN &#; This nail salon has partnered with Chemwise who then recycles leftover nailpolish bottles, as well as components such as the plastic cap and brushes.
  6. CÔTE &#; This Los Angeles-based salon has partnered with an environmental services company to recycle nail polish bottles. Customers receive 10% off on their next purchase.
  7. LILAH B &#; This minimalist make up brand offers a prepaid shipping label with every package. This allows customers to send back old beauty product of any brand, free of charge.

Tips on Recycling Cosmetic & Makeup Containers

Repurposing makeup containers, as well as recycling cosmetic containers, are now made easier by many concerned companies and organizations. Penny & Pine, for instance, is an eco-friendly and sustainable company. Together with the world&#;s best brands, our advocacies go beyond the product. Do your other favorite brands share the same values?

Here&#;s how to find out if your favorite brands support your advocacy:

Tip #1: Check and see if the container's company has a recycling program!

A good number of the world&#;s most known (and expensive) brands offer free shipping and freebies. Check out their product packaging and website for programs, partners, and details.

Tip #2: Recycle those caps

Hard plastic caps used on bottles and skin care products are more difficult to recycle &#; which is why very few offer programs that accept plastic caps. If the company doesn&#;t accept plastic caps, go the extra mile be sending yours to a cap recycling company such as Gimme 5 Caps Recycling or

Tip #3: Clean those containers before throwing them in the recycling bin

Cleaning out containers before throwing them into the recycling bin can be the most generous gesture you could do. It is this extra step that makes a world of a difference.

Tip #4: Contact your recycling company and ask about what you can recycle 

What you CAN recycle can astound you! Do ask around. As technology improves, many recycling programs are finding more ways to reduce landfill waste. All it takes is a call or a quick Google search. 

The pursuit of beauty doesn&#;t have to be destructive to the environment. Repurpose makeup containers and give them a new lease on life or walk that extra mile and get those receptacles into a recycling station!

It&#;s a great gift we can give to ourselves and to the environment!

Got some tips that fellow make-up aficionados and earth warriors could use? Leave us a comment below!

How to Upcycle & Recycle Old Beauty Containers

It&#;s Plastic Free July and we&#;re kicking off a month full of zero waste beauty tips with the number one question we get asked, &#;Do you know where I can recycle my old beauty products?&#;. The answer is: it&#;s complicated. To make this guide easy to reference, we&#;ve separated it into two main sections: Upcycling & Recycling. Upcycling is full of easy DIY&#;s and inspiration while Recycling is all about finding your packaging a new home. We&#;ll be updating this guide as we find more ways to upcycle & recycle beauty products, so be sure to save it for later!

While makeup products are harder to find refills for, many bulk shops do sell skincare and body care products in bulk. If at all possible, refill your containers rather than replace them with pretty glass ones. Zero waste isn&#;t always picture perfect, and that&#;s okay!


If you want to learn more, please visit our website CPP Global.

Makeup Packaging

Makeup packaging, with all of it&#;s small plastic pieces, is usually impossible for curbside programs to recycle. But these little pieces can still have some use before we recycle them. 

Switching to a zero waste mascara like our glass vial Mascara? Reuse your old mascara wand! This not only helps save waste, but silicone molded mascara wands are usually easier to use and give a better application than the ones included with zero waste mascaras. 

You can also sometimes reuse old eyeliner applicators the same way, just be sure to check if they&#;re felt tip or if they have bristles. Felt tip applicators can&#;t be fully rinsed clean, so we recommend you recycle these to avoid spreading bacteria.

Have an old compact that you&#;re ready to recycle? Most pressed powders come in standard sizes, so if you&#;re looking to switch to a refillable compact, just measure your old compact to see if you can refill it instead! If a company sells refills they&#;ll probably be designed to fit into a magnetic compact, but that doesn&#;t mean you can&#;t use them if your compact isn&#;t magnetic. Just pop out the old metal tin, (these are usually either aluminum or tin, both of which are usually curbside recyclable!) then grab yourself a magnetic dot with an adhesive side from your local craft store - keep in mind the thinner the better! Then just stick your magnetic dot in the middle of your compact, and you can refill it again and again. 

If you clean out an empty lipstick or lip balm tube, it's the perfect size to store bobby pins or even sewing needles and other small notions! 

Skincare Packaging

We love the way serum bottles have been reused as sprouting jars in the photo above! Skincare jars and bottles are really easy to reuse around the house. Jars are great for storing and organizing things after a quick cleaning. We love using these for storing bobby pins and hair ties in bags, organizing craft supplies, or even back in the bathroom to organize jewelry or anything else prone to getting lost!

These are also great at reusing for other skincare products. Need to take some Aloe Gel to your next beach vacay? Skincare jars are water tight and usually the perfect size. And why stop at skincare products? Refill your pump top bottles with anything from lotion to hand soap to dish soap or laundry detergent! Skincare spray bottles can be refilled with all-purpose spray, laundry stain spray or another household cleaner.

You can also, of course, fill these with DIY recipes. Have a wide, low shallow jar? Fill it with DIY dry shampoo and use a large powder brush to apply to your roots, easy as 1-2-3! 

Glass or plastic skincare bottles can be reused in a variety of ways. Peel off the label from a glass jar and use to hold essential oil reed diffusers! These are super easy to DIY with any liquid carrier oil (like coconut oil) and a few drops of your favorite essential oil!

Have dry hair? Make DIY hair oil and upcycle a dropper bottle. Want a hydrating facial mist? Make DIY rose or lavender water and reuse a small spray bottle. We recommend you dry and store your empty skincare bottles for whatever DIY projects spark your interest - keep a couple of sizes of dropper bottles, spray bottles, and pump top bottles handy for any variety of uses!

Deodorant tubes

Our favorite way to reuse old deodorant tubes is to refill them with DIY deodorant. DIY deodorant is super easy to make, and you can reuse your old deodorant tube for it too! When shopping for DIY recipes, keep an eye out for ones that include Shea Butter and Magnesium Hydroxide as these will be the easiest on your skin, but still super effective. Start by emptying your tube of any remaining deodorant by twisting the tube all the way up, and using a spatula or blunt knife to scrape off any remaining bits. Then twist the tube all the way down, melt your DIY deodorant, and then pour!


The first place we recommend you look when trying to recycle beauty products is for any recycling markings on the packaging. Look for the recycling numbers 1 & 2, these are usually curbside recyclable. Most bottles, such as shampoo bottles or plastic skincare bottles, will use plastic caps made out of a different material that aren't easy to recycle. We recommend you separate the caps from the bottles so you can recycle the bottles curbside. You can recycle the caps via another option below.

Next, we recommend you check if the company who made the product has a recycling program. Many larger cosmetics and skincare companies are now starting to take their containers back to recycle, and as the manufacturers they&#;re in the best position to make sure they&#;re recycled properly. For instance, Tom&#;s of Maine will take back any empty deodorant tubes. 

Does the company who made the product not have a recycling program? This is where we recommend Nordstrom&#;s BEAUTYCYCLE, which is powered by Terracycle. BEAUTYCYCLE accepts a long list of various beauty products including makeup containers, shampoo bottles, skincare packaging, and so much more! They have drop offs bins at all of their Beauty departments.

Don&#;t want to drop them off in person? Then you can ship them directly to TerraCycle via their Garnier sponsored Beauty Recycling Program. This is also a free program, but you have to collect a large amount of beauty containers before TerraCycle will take them. This is to keep carbon emissions low, which is why we recommend you drop off your empties at a Nordstrom if at all possible. 

Zerra & Co. Product Packaging End-of-Life

All of our packaging is created with sustainability in mind. Our containers are either 100% biodegradable/compostable, refillable, or eligible for our container return program (see below). Any plastic we use is kept to an absolute minimum.

Of course, the ultimate goal is to be 100% plastic free, but for now we do use some plastic components in certain packaging, such as The Mascara reducers and the lining in some lids. We strive to help reduce single-use plastic and only use what we feel can be reused over and over.

Zerra & Co. Container Return Program

One of our personal favorite aspects of the business is our container return program. We work hard to make sure none of our containers end up in landfill, so we opened up the container return program to close the loop.

You can return any of our glass or metal containers in good, working condition with the lids in exchange for store credit.

So save up those containers, box them up, and send them our way! Head over to our Container Return Program page to learn how to send your containers back.


The Zerra Team

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit Empty Blush Compact Wholesale(nl,rm,ms)(ja,sv,th).




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